Exploratory Zeal or Human Greed 

Being an extremely mobile species with intelligence and thought we have explored and invaded every nook and corner of the World. Unfortunately our thoughts and an intelligent approach as been vitiated and overpowered by greed and lust. Animal Kingdom does not understand these vitriolic virtues because it cannot think beyond the existential limits set for it by nature. We humans appear as aliens with no existential fear, and thus hell-bent upon the destruction of nature. Are we eventually planning to settle in colonies on other planets or will our actions lead to the imperative? This may be yet unclear, but our escape from Earth is definite…perhaps much before the expiry of the Sun.      

We have not been killed by curiosity rather we have murdered and plundered due to it. Our greed does know no end, and our desire to amass is unique to us in this animal kingdom. We run after comfort, material wealth, and now automation all this has come about by exploitation of finite natural resources chiefly minerals and fossil fuels. 

Not a Rat Race this It is Human Madness 

There is a weak effort to contain and balance the carbon emissions and the resultant pollution. Alternate energy perhaps would fetch redemption one day.  Global warming is spreading like wildfire and so are the pandemic. It is free for all in absence of pragmatic World order. The quasi-governmental bodies on a global scale are an abject failure or at best existing for namesake. The impact of various pacts between Nations is not very productive and the energy consumption is on a disastrous scale. This is not a rat race, on the contrary, an example of extreme human madness, we should stop maligning the creature which lives within the biological limits set by nature.    

We are not lacking in desire to preserve the globe and prevent further extinction including that of the human species. We are just entangled in a race for destruction within and a callous approach which time and again rings a bell that everything is not okay. In order to outdo each other, we are taking steps in spite of constraints. Nuclear proliferation is one fine example.  Destruction of nature is more internecine than the threat of a nuclear war which so far has been easily constrained due to fear of retaliation. 

Understanding extinction requires an understanding of many facets of life since nature does not retaliate like in the case of nuclear war rather it becomes ineffective incapable of supporting life. This will become a reality if we continue to damage life-supporting systems.  

In countries like India, it was the indiscriminate land use pattern that destroyed precious ecosystems. The agricultural expansion though with good intent has destroyed millions of square miles of natural land that had remained untouched besides the early human encroachment which was severely restrictive. Commercial farming and wood logging the World over is proving to be disastrous but goes on unabated destroying our green lungs. It is the main reason for species extinction on a global scale. 
From hunters, we turned hunter-gatherers and then nomadic pastorals before settling down as agrarian communities. We saw another World order as industrialization became the mainstay of our economies. The last two phases have been instrumental in damaging the Earth the most. But the destruction continues unabated with equal vigor in the contemporary era. Now urbanization in remote areas has become imperative. 

Expanding Urban Footprint

The linear movement of humanity has been most invasive thanks to recent technological developments and race for a wealthier status not only among the elites but for the masses as well. We have been reckless in pursuing our objectives totally neglecting the impact our actions carried forward. Prime ecosystems and niche habitats have been pounded by hammer persistently. 

Romantic Illusions 

This coexistence of humans in conformity with nature is at best a romantic illusion. India being an old civilization we dwell in many such romantic illusions at times adulterating the pragmatic approach. The crux of this article is to change our approach as regards infrastructure development and agrarian practices and thus stem the rot. 

Whence polluting industries are discouraged regarding the procurement of extensive, land the resistance is simply a threat perception that it could unsettle traditional economic practices existing for centuries, but in severely degraded land with no muscle for regeneration industries provide a better option for economic revival than dying agrarian practices. This is applicable in overpopulated and poor countries like India. Why this is being advocated as an alternative? This question arises as we have severely eroded most of our natural lands, and the ecology is damaged beyond repair in such places…there is no choice.   

Containing Urbanization to Save The Tiger         

We are living in a country that was introduced to sound conservation ethos, and that played a vital role in the preservation of whatever remains. But there is a conflict that prevails. Can we regenerate severely damaged ecosystems in urban areas? or Lend them to Industry while greater importance is accorded to intact ecosystems. This approach will certainly prevent the extinction of key species including the tiger. 


This big cat is highly sensitive to its environment and human intrusion, like few other species. An unwarranted change in the food chain, human intrusions, and invasions, the virulent epidemics can lead to a certain extinction of the big cat. Animals like the swamp deer are highly susceptible to habitat change and human intrusions as well. And we have seen this happen. Most of the species on Earth need a human-less environment and we should respect this by staying away from sensitive ecosystems. Over or unsustainable fishing is one example of how we are eroding aquatic ecosystems amid terrible food shortages. 

Protective Area Concept  

The protective area concept is proven to be a boon for species survival especially the inviolate areas. Wildlife conservationists or environmentalists should study how efficiently this is being managed in India. The species are being protected and are breeding well besides the benefit of regulated tourism is raising the local economy in a commendable manner.  Local sentinels play a key role in the protection of the species and income from inheritance is most welcomed. The tiger reserves have set a fine example where tourism income from the park is fetching revenue for conservation and benefiting the local communities immensely.    

But PAs can be susceptible to human greed and political infringement. Some politicians are least sensitive to environmental concerns due to greed for a vote and thus register policies that please the vote bank. These islands created in India are heaven for sensitive species as resource banks. The day PAs are de-notified it will be disastrous. Many among the political setups are totally oblivious of environmental concerns and this can happen whence they come to rule the roost. The perception is not chimerical mind you!          

But can we release more land for the predator’s survival?  

This is a testing proposition especially for the dispensations that come at the helm from time to time. Dense human populations are a major threat to the environment, unfortunately, they can also destabilize ruling dispensations. Need I say more…     

If we have to prevent further extinction in the country we have to measure the impact of every step forward. Micro-urbanization is a major threat since most of the remaining ecosystems thrive in remote, less populated places. But changes are inevitable in economic practices in this age. But can we create an eco-friendly industry, encourage local craftsmanship, instill an eco-friendly residential design and architecture. Even minor forest produce can be productive outside the PAs in the periphery.  

Rabid urbanization is difficult to control in towns and major cities but in the case of remote settlements, we should seriously consider the ecological impact of infrastructure development. There has to be a plan in the place that differentiates action plans for places on basis of their ecological importance. There exists no such necessary segregation as far as I know.    

We cannot develop using a single linear approach, alternatives indigenous perhaps, and setting up limitations in the outer rings is the possible answer. This is being actively under consideration in India, and some steps have already been implemented.  Let us hope we will witness better implementation during our lifetime and leave enough of these islands to provide us with fresh air, water, and natural foods for our progeny. Biodiversity is essential for our survival least we forget. !       


Uday Works as Freelance Naturalist and Blogs on conservation, tigers, environmental issues.

He also provides SEO and Website Contents in English. He teaches Digital Marketing in Jabalpur in Summers.

He can be contacted at:

Mail: pateluday90@hotmail.com
 Mob: 09755089323


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