The little shed is popular.  I usually find someone is living in it when I come with my buckets.

Today it was Vitamin and Newt’s turn.

And in the corner was a new room-mate – Penthesilea – my Muscovy/Amazon duck from last year’s hatch.  She had moved in and was refusing to budge.

Everyone seemed perfectly happy about Penthesilea living with them so who am I to say she must move?

If the ponies are happy, I am happy.

Tiddles was outside today.

So I fed them all (Vitamin her  big bucket, Tiddles and Newt their mere whiff of food), and left.

When I got back from feeding the Minions, I went back to the shed to see if Penthesilea had taken up permanent residence. I already have one duck nesting so I could understand if Penthesilea wanted to sit.  Plus, the other night I had managed to shut her in the indoor riding school all night. She was thrilled and has been trying get locked in ever since.

No duck sitting but instead I found a beautiful duck egg (before Pepper did, which is a huge achievement in itself).

Earlier, I opened the big gate out into the big field and the ponies eventually found it and so they spent the day eating but quickly came home when I called them in later this afternoon.

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