The One New Way to Stop NIH From Wasting Your Money on Global Shams

What’s the CARGO Act, and Why Do Animals Need You to Support It Now?

NIH Has Been Gobbling Up Your Money for Foreign Labs, but One Thing Could Stop That

NIH Has Been Misusing Your Money for Years, but This Could Change Everything

The One Thing That Could Curb a Worldwide Laboratory Killing Spree

Your Tax Dollars Have Funded Animal Killings Worldwide—This Act Could Change That

NIH Has Been Fueling a Ring of Killers With Your Cash—This Could Stop It

Foreign Killers’ Gravy Train May Soon Be Derailed—and You Can Help

What Could Quash NIH’s Overseas Lab Torture? You Can Help—With One Simple Action

The National Institutes of Health has been in the worldwide animal killing business for at least 40 years, pumping billions into foreign laboratories. The CARGO Act could end it.


The National Institutes of Health has been pumping billions of your tax dollars into foreign laboratories without oversight or accountability. Please support the CARGO Act to end this boondoggle.


The National Institutes of Health has spent 40 years bankrolling foreign laboratories to torment and kill animals around the world. Please support the CARGO Act to end it.


For years, NIH has been letting you foot the bill for people who are in the business of killing in foreign lands. The CARGO Act can end this reign of terror.


For decades, NIH has been paying foreign laboratories to torment and kill animals. The CARGO Act can help end this reign of terror.

The post NIH Has Been Fueling a Ring of Killers With Your Cash—You Can Help Stop It appeared first on PETA.

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