Maltese dogs are cherished for their charming personalities and luxurious white coats. They are small, energetic, and affectionate companions well-suited for various living situations. This article will explore the monthly costs associated with owning a Maltese, considering the essentials such as food, healthcare, grooming, and other necessities in 2023.

1. Food Expenses

Given their small size, Maltese dogs do not eat large amounts of food. However, they typically require high-quality food due to their sensitive digestion. Owners can expect to spend between $20 to $40 per month on a premium brand of dog food that caters to the nutritional needs of small breeds.

2. Treat Costs

Treats are a critical part of a Maltese’s diet for training and rewards. Owners should budget $10 to $20 per month for high-quality treats. Special dietary treats or dental chews can increase this monthly cost.

3. Veterinary Care

Routine veterinary visits are essential for keeping a Maltese healthy. This includes vaccinations, dental care, and regular check-ups. Owners should anticipate spending $50 to $100 monthly, which includes the cost of pet insurance to cover unexpected health issues.

4. Grooming Requirements

The Maltese breed is known for its long, silky coat, which requires regular professional grooming. Monthly grooming costs can range from $40 to $60, depending on the services provided and the frequency of visits.

5. Toys and Entertainment

Toys are vital for the Maltese’s mental and physical stimulation. A monthly expenditure of $10 to $20 can be expected for quality toys, as these dogs enjoy a variety of interactive and chew toys.

6. Training and Socialization

While Maltese are relatively easy to train, puppy classes or regular training sessions are beneficial for socialization and behavior. Owners might spend $50 to $100 per month on training classes.

7. Accessories and Bedding

Essential accessories such as a leash, collar, and bedding will need to be replaced occasionally. Owners can expect to budget about $5 to $15 per month for these items.

8. Miscellaneous Expenses

Other expenses can include dog walking services, pet-sitting, and emergency funds for unexpected costs. Owners should consider setting aside $20 to $50 monthly for these miscellaneous expenses.


In conclusion, the monthly cost to own a Maltese in 2023 can be estimated between $155 and $305, excluding any initial costs such as purchasing the dog, initial medical exams, or spaying/neutering. Prospective and current owners should be mindful of these costs and ensure they are prepared for the financial commitment of owning a Maltese.


Frequently Asked Questions About The Cost of Owning A Maltese

1. How much does it cost to feed a Maltese each month?

Feeding a Maltese typically costs between $20 to $40 per month. This range accounts for high-quality dog food that meets the nutritional needs of small breeds like the Maltese. Premium foods or those tailored for specific health conditions can increase the cost.

2. What is the average cost for Maltese treats?

For treats, Maltese owners should budget around $10 to $20 per month. The cost may vary depending on the type of treats chosen, with special dental or hypoallergenic treats being more expensive.

3. How much will routine veterinary care cost for a Maltese?

Routine veterinary care for a Maltese can cost between $50 to $100 per month. This should include vaccinations, annual check-ups, and preventative medications. It’s also wise to factor in the cost of pet insurance to help with any unexpected health issues.

4. What are the grooming costs for a Maltese?

Grooming a Maltese can cost between $40 to $60 per session, with most Maltese needing grooming every 4 to 6 weeks. Monthly grooming costs, therefore, can range from $40 to $60, which includes baths, haircuts, and regular brushing to prevent matting.

5. Do Maltese dogs require a lot of toys and entertainment?

Yes, Maltese dogs enjoy a variety of toys for entertainment and stimulation. Owners should plan to spend $10 to $20 monthly on toys, though high-quality, durable toys may last longer and reduce the need for frequent replacements.

6. Is training a Maltese expensive?

Training costs for Maltese can vary, but owners should budget $50 to $100 for monthly training classes. The costs can fluctuate based on the type of training and the trainer’s expertise.

7. What additional accessories do I need for a Maltese, and what are the costs?

Additional accessories for a Maltese include items such as a bed, collar, leash, and bowls, which can cost about $5 to $15 monthly. These items may have a higher initial cost but typically need to be replaced only occasionally.

8. How much should I budget for emergency veterinary expenses for a Maltese?

It’s recommended to have an emergency fund of at least $500 to $1000 set aside for your Maltese to cover any unforeseen veterinary expenses. These funds would help cover the costs of accidents or sudden illnesses that aren’t planned for in the monthly budget.

9. Can pet insurance help reduce the cost of owning a Maltese?

Pet insurance can help mitigate the financial impact of unexpected health issues and typically costs between $30 to $50 per month for a Maltese. While it adds to the monthly expenses, it can offer significant savings in the event of a major illness or surgery.

10. Are there any hidden costs in owning a Maltese that I should be aware of?

Hidden costs in owning a Maltese can include additional grooming tools for at-home coat maintenance, cleaning supplies for the occasional indoor accident, and higher travel costs if you plan to travel with your pet. Additionally, costs for dog-sitting or boarding services when you are away can add up.

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