Bloodhounds, recognized for their incredible sense of smell and droopy eyes, have been beloved for centuries for their tracking abilities and amiable nature. While they are gentle giants with families, potential Bloodhound owners need to be aware of the financial responsibilities associated with the breed. This article delves into the monthly costs tied to owning a Bloodhound in 2023.

1. Food

Given their large size, Bloodhounds require a significant amount of sustenance. The quality of food is crucial for their overall health and energy levels. Bloodhounds, with their active nature, benefit from a high-protein diet to sustain their energy.

Estimated Monthly Cost: A quality large-breed dog food can cost anywhere from $80-$120 per month, depending on the brand and any specific dietary needs.

2. Treats

Bloodhounds, like any other dog, enjoy treats. Whether utilized in training or given as a snack, treats can be a regular expense.

Estimated Monthly Cost: The price varies depending on the type and frequency, but generally, budgeting $20-$35 monthly is reasonable.

3. Veterinarian

Bloodhounds can be predisposed to certain ailments like hip dysplasia, ear infections, and entropion (a condition where the eyelids roll inwards). Regular vet visits, vaccinations, and preventive treatments are essential.

Estimated Monthly Average: Taking regular check-ups and unexpected visits into account, an average monthly expense could range between $55-$100.

4. Preventative Medications

Parasite prevention, including treatments against fleas, ticks, and heartworms, is essential to maintain the health of a Bloodhound.

Estimated Monthly Cost: Depending on the region and the specific products chosen, anticipate between $25-$45 monthly.

5. Toys

Bloodhounds are playful and enjoy toys that challenge them both mentally and physically. Due to their size, they need durable toys that can withstand their enthusiasm.

Estimated Monthly Cost: Allocating $25-$50 per month will ensure they have a variety of toys to keep them engaged.

6. Accessories

Accessories such as collars, leashes, beds, bowls, and more are necessary for a Bloodhound’s comfortable living.

Estimated Monthly Average: Given that many of these items are one-time or occasional purchases, a monthly average might come to around $25-$40.

7. Training

Bloodhounds can be stubborn, making training crucial, especially during their early years. Consistent training helps in ensuring they are well-behaved and socially adjusted.

Estimated Monthly Cost (averaged over a year): Depending on individual needs, training costs could average $40-$75 monthly.

8. Grooming

Bloodhounds have short fur but are known to drool, which can lead to additional cleaning. They also require regular nail trims, ear cleanings (given their propensity for ear infections), and occasional baths.

Estimated Monthly Cost: Expect to spend between $20-$40, considering both grooming supplies and the occasional professional grooming session.

9. Pet Insurance

With the breed’s susceptibility to certain health issues, pet insurance can be an invaluable investment to prepare for unexpected health costs.

Estimated Monthly Cost: Depending on the provider and coverage chosen, pet insurance might range between $35-$70 monthly.

10. Miscellaneous

Every pet owner should be prepared for unexpected costs. This includes any damages or additional needs that weren’t initially accounted for.

Estimated Monthly Contingency: A prudent choice would be setting aside an extra $30-$60 monthly for unforeseen expenses.


In 2023, the monthly cost to own a Bloodhound is estimated between $355 and $595. It’s essential to note that while these are generalized figures, individual experiences can vary widely based on choices, preferences, and unforeseen circumstances. Bloodhounds, with their unique charm, are undeniably worth the investment for the joy and companionship they offer. Proper budgeting ensures these canines live comfortably and that owners are prepared for any financial curveballs.


Frequently Asked Questions About The Cost of Owning A Bloodhound

1. How much does it typically cost to purchase a Bloodhound puppy?

Bloodhound puppies can range in price depending on factors such as pedigree, breeder reputation, and location. Typically, prices can range from $800 to $2,500 for a well-bred puppy. It’s essential to do thorough research and ensure you’re purchasing from a reputable breeder who prioritizes the health and welfare of the dogs.

2. Are Bloodhounds more expensive to feed due to their size?

Bloodhounds, being a large breed, naturally consume more food than smaller breeds. Hence, their monthly food expenses can be higher. It’s essential to invest in high-quality dog food tailored for large breeds, which can be costlier but beneficial for their health in the long run.

3. Given their droopy ears, do Bloodhounds have frequent ear infections leading to vet bills?

Yes, Bloodhounds are prone to ear infections because of their droopy ears, which can trap moisture and dirt. Regular ear cleaning can help prevent infections, but owners should budget for potential vet bills associated with ear care.

4. What grooming needs do Bloodhounds have, and how does this impact cost?

Bloodhounds have a short coat, which requires minimal grooming. However, they are known to drool, which can necessitate frequent cleaning. Regular ear cleaning, occasional baths, and nail trims are also required, leading to modest grooming costs, especially if professional services are sought.

5. Is pet insurance recommended for Bloodhounds?

Given the potential health issues associated with Bloodhounds, many owners opt for pet insurance. This can help offset unexpected veterinary expenses, providing peace of mind and financial security. The monthly premium varies based on the coverage level and provider.

6. Do Bloodhounds require specialized training?

Bloodhounds can be independent and sometimes stubborn, making consistent training essential. Investing in professional training or obedience classes can be beneficial, especially during their younger years, and this can incur additional costs.

7. Are there any specific toys or accessories suitable for Bloodhounds?

Bloodhounds are strong and active, necessitating durable toys. Given their size and strength, sturdy collars, leashes, and harnesses are recommended. Investing in quality toys and accessories can prevent frequent replacements, potentially saving money over time.

8. How often should Bloodhounds visit the vet?

Regular check-ups, at least annually, are recommended for Bloodhounds. Given their susceptibility to certain health issues, more frequent visits might be necessary, especially if any concerns arise. Preventative care can often help reduce the occurrence of more serious and expensive health problems.

9. Are there any hidden costs associated with Bloodhound ownership?

Like with any pet, unexpected costs can arise, such as damages to household items or unforeseen health issues. It’s wise for Bloodhound owners to set aside a contingency budget for such unexpected expenses.

10. In comparison to other large breeds, is owning a Bloodhound more expensive?

The cost of owning a Bloodhound is generally in line with other large breeds, with some variations based on individual health and care choices. As always, thorough research and preparation can help prospective owners understand and manage expenses better.

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