Owning a Dogue De Bordeaux, a magnificent and powerful breed known for its loyalty and affection, comes with a set of responsibilities, one of which is ensuring your dog’s basic needs are met. One crucial aspect of dog ownership is understanding how often your Dogue De Bordeaux should be taken outside to relieve themselves, especially when it comes to urination. Proper bathroom habits are essential for your dog’s health, comfort, and your household’s cleanliness.

In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss how the frequency of bathroom breaks varies based on your Dogue De Bordeaux’s age and provide guidelines for puppies, adult dogs, and senior dogs.

Understanding Your Dogue De Bordeaux’s Needs

Dogue De Bordeaux, often referred to as the French Mastiff, is a large and robust breed originating from Bordeaux, France. These dogs are known for their imposing presence and gentle temperament. To ensure their well-being, it’s crucial to understand their specific needs regarding bathroom breaks.

Puppy Stage:

Puppies are the most demanding when it comes to bathroom breaks. Young Dogue De Bordeaux puppies have small bladders and limited control over their bodily functions. As a result, they need to go outside frequently. Here’s a guideline for how often you should take your Dogue De Bordeaux puppy outside to pee:

8-12 weeks old: Puppies of this age should be taken outside every 1-2 hours during the day. Additionally, take them out shortly after meals, playtime, and when they wake up from a nap.
12-16 weeks old: As your puppy grows, you can gradually extend the time between bathroom breaks to around every 2-4 hours during the day. Still, take them out after meals, play sessions, and naps.

It’s important to remember that puppies may need to go out during the night as well. Be prepared for nighttime potty breaks, especially during the first few months. As your puppy matures, they will gain better control over their bladder and extend the duration between trips outside.

Adult Stage:

Adult Dogue De Bordeaux typically have better bladder control compared to puppies. However, their bathroom needs still require regular attention. Here’s a guideline for how often you should take your adult Dogue De Bordeaux outside to pee:

6-12 months old: Adolescents in this age range should be taken outside every 4-6 hours during the day. Keep in mind that individual dogs may have varying needs, so pay attention to your dog’s signals.
1-3 years old: Once your Dogue De Bordeaux reaches adulthood, they can typically hold their bladder for 6-8 hours during the day. However, it’s essential to take them out in the morning, after meals, and before bedtime.

Remember that exercise, hydration, and diet can all affect your dog’s bathroom habits. If you engage in strenuous activities or if your dog drinks a lot of water, they may need more frequent bathroom breaks.

Senior Stage:

Senior Dogue De Bordeaux, like all senior dogs, may experience changes in their bathroom habits as they age. It’s important to monitor them closely and adapt to their changing needs. Here’s a guideline for how often you should take your senior Dogue De Bordeaux outside to pee:

7 years and older: Senior dogs may require more frequent bathroom breaks, as they may have decreased bladder control and mobility. Aim for bathroom breaks every 4-6 hours during the day, with extra attention given to their comfort and mobility.

Keep in mind that senior dogs may also experience health issues that affect their urinary system, such as urinary tract infections or incontinence. If you notice any changes in your senior Dogue De Bordeaux’s bathroom habits, consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Recognizing Signs That Your Dog Needs to Pee

While the guidelines mentioned above provide a general framework for bathroom breaks based on age, it’s crucial to recognize the signs that your Dogue De Bordeaux may need to go outside. Paying attention to your dog’s cues and body language is essential for their well-being and preventing accidents in your home. Here are some common signs that your Dogue De Bordeaux needs to pee:

Restlessness: If your dog appears restless, paces around, or can’t seem to settle down, it may be an indication that they need to go outside.
Sniffing and circling: Dogs often sniff the ground and circle before urinating. If you notice your dog exhibiting these behaviors indoors, it’s time to take them out.
Whining or barking: Some dogs vocalize when they need to go outside. If your Dogue De Bordeaux starts whining or barking at the door, it’s a clear signal.
Frequent squatting: If your dog repeatedly squats as if trying to urinate but produces only a small amount of urine, they may need more frequent trips outside.
Pawing at the door: Dogs may paw at the door to indicate their desire to go outside. Pay attention to this behavior and respond promptly.
Restroom schedule: Establishing a regular bathroom schedule can help your dog anticipate bathroom breaks. Try to take your Dogue De Bordeaux out at the same times each day, such as after meals and before bedtime.

Adhering to a consistent bathroom schedule and being attentive to your dog’s signals will help prevent accidents and ensure your Dogue De Bordeaux remains comfortable and healthy.

Factors Affecting Bathroom Needs

While age is a significant factor in determining how often you should take your Dogue De Bordeaux outside to pee, there are other factors that can influence their bathroom needs:

Diet and Hydration: The type of food your dog eats and their water intake can affect their bathroom habits. Feeding a high-quality, balanced diet and providing access to fresh water is essential.
Exercise: Physical activity can stimulate your dog’s bladder, so be prepared for more frequent bathroom breaks after playtime or long walks.
Weather: Extreme temperatures can affect your Dogue De Bordeaux’s willingness to go outside. In very hot or cold weather, your dog may need shorter and more frequent trips.
Health Conditions: Certain health conditions, such as urinary tract infections or diabetes, can increase your dog’s need to urinate. If you suspect a health issue, consult with your veterinarian.
Medications: Some medications can increase urination frequency as a side effect. If your dog is on medication, discuss any potential effects on their bathroom habits with your vet.

Creating a Bathroom Routine

Establishing a consistent bathroom routine is essential for your Dogue De Bordeaux’s well-being and your household’s cleanliness. A routine provides structure and helps your dog understand when and where they are expected to relieve themselves. Here are some tips for creating a successful bathroom routine:

Set a Schedule: Determine regular times for bathroom breaks, such as first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bedtime. Stick to this schedule as closely as possible.
Choose a Designated Area: Designate a specific spot in your yard or on your walk where you want your dog to do their business. Consistency will help your dog understand where they should go.
Use Positive Reinforcement: Praise and reward your Dogue De Bordeaux when they go potty in the designated area. Positive reinforcement, such as treats or verbal praise, reinforces good behavior.
Be Patient: It may take some time for your dog to understand and adapt to the routine. Be patient and consistent in your training efforts.
Avoid Punishment: Never punish your dog for accidents indoors. Punishment can create fear and anxiety, making it harder for your dog to learn where it’s appropriate to relieve themselves.
Supervise Your Dog: Supervise your dog during bathroom breaks, especially during the training phase, to ensure they go in the designated area.
Clean Accidents Thoroughly: If your Dogue De Bordeaux has an accident indoors, clean it up promptly and thoroughly with an enzyme-based cleaner to eliminate the scent, which can attract your dog back to the same spot.


Taking your Dogue De Bordeaux outside to pee is a fundamental aspect of responsible dog ownership. Understanding your dog’s age-specific needs and recognizing their signals are essential for maintaining their health and comfort. Whether you have a lively puppy, a spirited adult, or a senior companion, providing them with the right bathroom breaks at the right times is crucial. By creating a consistent routine, being attentive to your dog’s cues, and offering positive reinforcement, you can ensure that your Dogue De Bordeaux has a happy and healthy life while maintaining a clean and odor-free home.

The post How Often Do I Take a Dogue De Bordeaux Outside to Pee? appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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