For allergy sufferers who are dog enthusiasts, choosing a hypoallergenic breed can be the key to comfortably enjoying a furry companion. These breeds are known for producing fewer allergens, not necessarily because they don’t shed, but because of the type of coat they have which is less likely to trigger allergic reactions.

1. Poodle

Poodles, including standard, miniature, and toy varieties, are famous for their hypoallergenic coats. Their curly, dense fur traps dander and requires regular grooming to maintain. Poodles are ideal for allergy sufferers due to less shedding and a lower tendency to spread allergens.

2. Bichon Frise

Bichon Frises are known for their small size and fluffy white coats. Their hair is curly and doesn’t shed much, reducing the spread of dander and allergens. Regular grooming is necessary to keep their coat in good condition and minimize allergic reactions.

3. Maltese

Maltese dogs have long, silky hair that sheds very little, making them a suitable option for those with allergies. They require regular grooming to keep their coat healthy and to prevent matting, which also helps in controlling allergens.

4. Portuguese Water Dog

Portuguese Water Dogs have a waterproof, curly coat that sheds minimally. Their hair is similar to that of poodles and requires regular grooming. This breed became well-known for being a great hypoallergenic option when one lived in the White House with the Obama family.

5. Schnauzer

Schnauzers, available in miniature, standard, and giant sizes, have a wiry double coat that doesn’t shed much. Their distinctive beard and eyebrows also help in reducing the spread of allergens. Regular grooming is essential to keep their coat healthy and minimize allergen dispersion.

6. Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers have a fine, straight coat that is more similar to human hair than typical dog fur, which helps to reduce allergenic effects. They shed very little and require regular grooming to maintain their coat and minimize allergen spread.

7. Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus have a long, flowing coat that doesn’t shed much, making them a good choice for allergy sufferers. Their hair grows continuously and requires regular grooming, which also helps to control the spread of allergens.

8. Scottish Terrier

Scottish Terriers have a wiry outer coat and a soft undercoat, which minimizes shedding and dander spread. Regular grooming is necessary to keep their coat in top condition and to help reduce potential allergens.

9. West Highland White Terrier

West Highland White Terriers, or Westies, have a double coat with a hard, wiry outer layer and a soft, dense undercoat. They shed very little, making them a good option for people with allergies, provided their coat is well-maintained with regular grooming.

10. Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhounds have very short, fine coats and minimal body fat, making them less likely to trigger allergic reactions. They shed very little and are easy to maintain, making them a suitable choice for allergy sufferers.

11. Kerry Blue Terrier

Kerry Blue Terriers have a soft, wavy coat that doesn’t shed much, which can be ideal for people with allergies. Their coat requires regular grooming to prevent matting and to maintain its hypoallergenic properties.

12. Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terriers have a unique, wooly coat that sheds very minimally. Their curly, lamb-like coat requires regular grooming to keep it in good condition, which also helps reduce the spread of allergens.

13. Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier

Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers have a single, silky coat that sheds very little. This breed’s coat is less likely to cause allergic reactions and requires regular grooming to maintain its hypoallergenic qualities.

14. Basenji

Basenjis are known for their short, fine coat that sheds minimally. They are often considered hypoallergenic due to the low maintenance of their coat, which requires minimal grooming and reduces the spread of allergens.

15. Labradoodle

Labradoodles, a crossbreed between Labrador Retrievers and Poodles, often inherit the Poodle’s hypoallergenic coat. However, it’s important to note that the extent of hypoallergenic traits can vary in crossbreeds, so individual dogs should be assessed for their suitability for allergy sufferers.


These 15 dog breeds are known for their hypoallergenic qualities, making them more suitable options for people with allergies. However, it’s important to remember that no dog breed is completely hypoallergenic, and individual responses to different breeds can vary. Regular grooming and household cleaning can further help in reducing allergens.

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