Glue traps cause animals to suffer immensely. These devices—small boards covered with a sticky adhesive—are designed to ensnare any animal who wanders across their surface. Mice, rats, birds, chipmunks, bats, lizards, squirrels, and any other animals small enough to get caught on them can take days to die of starvation, dehydration, or blood loss, while they cry out in agony.

Animals trapped in the glue panic and struggle, which causes them to become even more ensnared. Often, the glue tears off patches of their fur, feathers, or skin—and some animals even chew off their own limbs in a desperate effort to escape. In other cases, their noses, mouths, or beaks get stuck in the glue, causing them to suffocate to death over the course of hours. Or they die from being crushed in the garbage, which is where the instructions on glue traps advise consumers to put them.

We now have an opportunity to help prevent small animals from being injured, permanently disabled, or killed by these cruel devices. Petition e-4596 would ban the use and sale of glue traps in Canada, allowing the country to join an ever-growing list of places—including England, Iceland, Ireland, New Zealand, Wales, two states and one territory in Australia, and nearly 30 states and union territories in India—that have already banned them. Please click the button below to sign the petition before January 25.

After signing the petition, please share this alert with other residents of Canada and ask them to join you in speaking up for small, vulnerable animals!

The post Canadians: Help Get Cruel Glue Traps Banned! appeared first on PETA.

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