Meet Oshie, a lovable and loyal dog who has become an integral part of Sara’s family.

When Sara’s husband went to boot camp, it was the first time the couple had been away from each other for an extended period, and Oshie was there to provide comfort and companionship. But Oshie felt like a part of his heart was missing. He had a strong attachment to his soldier dad as well.


During the three months her husband was away, Oshie did everything with Sara, from going on adventures to snuggling up with her every night. Their bond grew stronger, and they developed a deep trust in one another. Oshie even learned tricks quickly, like “leave it,” which Sara taught him by placing a treat in front of him and commanding him to wait.


When her husband was stationed in California, Sara decided to film a video of Oshie performing tricks to send to him, hoping to bring a smile to his face. She was amazed at how focused and concentrated Oshie was while performing the tricks, making it harder for her to balance treats on his head than it was for him to hold still.

When Oshie’s dad returned from boot camp, the dog was elated. He bolted out the front door and greeted him on the porch with puppy hugs and kisses. Sara’s husband was then stationed in Japan. Not wanting to be apart, Sara and Oshie moved to Japan with him. That’s where the family’s adventures continued.

Oshie loved going hiking, rock climbing, and swimming with them, often acting like a human by trying to do everything they could. He even participated in yoga sessions, doubling as a 45-pound weight for Sara during her lunges.


Oshie’s trust in his family was evident when they swam to Vancouver Island together. They built rafts to bring him along, and he would happily hop on like the “king of the ocean.” The family even discovered Oshie’s love for hammocks, setting up one for him during a camping trip where he slept soundly and happily.

Knowing how much Oshie enjoyed having companions, Sara and her husband decided to add a German Shepherd named Nimbus to their family. The two dogs quickly became best friends, learning from one another and joining in on all of the family’s adventures.

Both Oshie and Nimbus love swimming together and have become inseparable. Sara firmly believes that the only thing better than having a dog is having two, and Oshie has proven himself to be not only her best friend but also a cherished member of their family. To witness Oshie’s impressive tricks and his beautiful bond with his parents and Nimbus, click ‘play’ on the video below.

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