Children like to imitate their parents. It gives them a sense of accomplishment and ties them to the world around them, whether it’s making supper with pretend food or cleaning the house using fake vacuum cleaners. In this video, a lovely little girl is following her parents as she attempts to give the dog a treat and teach him how to sit on command.


Kids interacting with animals is something we all enjoy. It’s like a cute overload! But it’s the interaction between her and her Great Dane, who is three times her size, that makes this video so adorable!


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video


This little darling is practically sobbing with delight as she prepares to offer him a special gift. “Sit, sit!” She giggles and waves her hand about. Of course, because Great Danes are so clever, he sits obediently like a good boy when she commands it.


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video


She simply adores having the ability to boss the dog around just like her parents. It’s immediate gratification for her. She’ll be ecstatic until she decides she wants to do it again!


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video


A special relationship exists between children and dogs. Children care for and entertain their dogs, while dogs defend them. This little girl teaching her dog is incredibly adorable, and it will undoubtedly bring a smile to your face!


Click below to watch the video of this adorable duo!

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