Fireworks are scary for animals

However, it doesn’t have to be that way… Just follow some of the helpful tips we give you and we promise you, your pet will feel safer and will be less intimidated by the fireworks.

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Walk your dog during the daylight hours

We recommend you to finish your walks before the fireworks start. This way you will protect your dog from being even closer to the scary sounds. Keep your pets inside during the fireworks period.

Close doors and windows

Make sure you have all the doors and windows closed when the noise starts, so your dog or cat can’t escape. Also, this will reduce the noise your pet can hear and you can also play some nice music to mask the sounds of the fireworks.

Let your pet hide

We know how concerning it can be for your pet to hide from you, however if this helps them to deal with the fear, let them hide and don’t try to pull them from their hiding spot.

Try to get your pet to play

Playing with your dog or cat can reduce the stress and take away their attention from the fireworks and the loud sounds. However, don’t force your pet to play, if they prefer to stay in a quiet corner, let them.

You can also take a look at the Noise Canceling Dog House  or the Silent Fireworks.

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