Business Is Booming for One of the World’s Largest Killing Machines

This Is the System Fueling Bad Science—Do You Know Any of the Companies Listed?

How You Can Throw a Wrench Into the Well-Oiled Machine Fueling Bad Science

Who’s Keeping Experiments on Animals Afloat? Meet the Tycoons of Torture

Who’s Keeping Experiments on Animals Going? Meet the Blood Money Bosses

Who Is Part of the Worldwide Network Using Your Money to Get Rich From Death?

Most People Don’t Know About This Billion-Dollar Industry Fueled by Animal Blood

If They Were Seeking Cures, They Wouldn’t Use Your Money Like This

Meet the companies, schools, and government organizations that are silently stuffing their pockets with blood money while animals suffer and die in laboratories.

Business is booming for those that deal in animal torture. Companies, universities, and government organizations are making a killing off killing, from supplying body parts to conducting gruesome tests.

There’s a whole network of profiteering companies that peddle animals for use in experiments. Meet the biggest players in the vivisection-industrial complex.

The post Vivisection-Industrial Complex: The Animal-Killing Syndicate You Pay For appeared first on PETA.

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