Tucson will get a tasty treat tomorrow when a flock of PETA LAMBS (“Least Among My Brothers and Sisters” from Matthew 25:40) supporters land beneath a new sky-high plea that just went up on Grant Road to remind everyone that there’s no better time than Christmas to show mercy to all of God’s creations by going vegan. The group’s faith outreach division will help passersby enjoy a delicious and compassionate holiday by distributing free vegan cheese underneath the can’t-miss message.

When:    Tuesday, December 19, 12 noon

Where:    831 W. Grant Rd., Tucson

“Christmas is the season of goodwill, and it’s easy to show compassion to vulnerable mother cows and their babies by choosing the delicious vegan cheese, milk, and ice cream available everywhere,” says PETA Vice President Daniel Paden. “PETA LAMBS encourages everyone to celebrate the holiday with a decadent vegan feast that leaves all animals in peace.”

Animals aren’t mentioned in Genesis 1:29, which states that God provides “every seed-bearing plant” and “every tree whose fruit contains seed” as food for humans. In the dairy industry, calves are torn away from their mothers, often within a day of birth, so that the milk meant to nourish them can be stolen and sold to humans. PETA’s investigations into dairy facilities have found workers electroshocking cows in the face, hitting them with poles and a cane, and abusing them in other ways. Once their bodies wear out from repeated pregnancies, they’re sent to slaughter.

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat or abuse in any way”—opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview, and offers a free vegan starter kit on its website.

For more information, please visit PETA.org, listen to The PETA Podcast, or follow the group on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, or Instagram.

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