It’s been a lovely and calm family Christmas Day here at Thordale. 

We’ve stuck with most of our family traditions, except we didn’t have one of Floss’ amazing baking Yule Log creations, opting for a store-bought cake instead as Floss was working right up until the last minute.

Chocolate is chocolate in my book.  All delicious.

This  morning, having prepared all the food yesterday, I suddenly remembered the (f)artichokes.  OH and I quickly dug them up and it was a good harvest, which makes a change from last year when I replanted the lot in a rage because they were too small to eat.  Again, delicious.

We had our huge meal at lunchtime and while everyone else was clearing up, I walked around the croft feeding duckies, hens and horses.

We’re all relaxing now in front of the telly and it has been a lovely peaceful family day.
Merry Christmas xx

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