In the Northern Rockies–where wolves have been denied Endangered Species Act protections–more than 100 wolves have been killed by hunters or trappers this year in Montana alone. Idaho does not report the number of wolves killed and has few limits.

All of this suffering and the continued threat to this species could have been prevented by the Biden Administration. We and our allies have repeatedly implored Interior Secretary Deb Haaland to use the Endangered Species Act to stop this slaughter.

Not only have they failed to act–they have offered no response or explanation. Wolves deserve better and so do the millions of people who have spoken out.

The new year will bring unprecedented challenges, but it will also present a unique opportunity. A federal judge recently approved a settlement with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) that requires it to develop a national recovery plan for gray wolves.

This is an enormous change of direction for the USFWS that has fought to split wolves into arbitrary populations and grant different protections in different places for decades. That can all change in 2024. Wolves have recovered to occupy less than one-third of the habitat that experts say is suitable for them. With protections in place, they can come roaring back.

Make a New Years gift to save wolves and a generous donor will match it up to our goal of $30,000.

Letting the USFWS pick and choose which wolves get protections has led to the disastrous management policies of Montana and Idaho and allowed Wisconsin to kill hundreds of wolves in just days in 2021–more than 80 percent over the state’s “quota.”

The Endangered Species Coalition is uniquely able to bring hundreds of organizations and nearly half-a-million activists to the table to support a strong and enduring national recovery plan for gray wolves. Make your gift today to support our work to better protect wolves in 2024 and a generous donor will match it–doubling your impact.

Thank you for your commitment to wildlife and wild places.


Susan Holmes
Executive Director
Endangered Species Coalition
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Stop the killing of wolves

Make your year-end gift to save wolves from hunters and trappers
matched gift

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