The American Psychological Association (APA) apparently believes that breakthroughs in treating mental health problems in humans will come only if…
How Often Do I Take a Basset Hound Outside to Pee?
Basset Hounds are known for their charming droopy eyes, long ears, and low-slung bodies. While they make wonderful and affectionate…
Reduce your pet’s cancer risk factors
November is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month, a time to reflect on the risk factors our animal friends face and…
Woven With Compassion: PETA’s Fish Empathy Quilt Makes an Ocean-Size Impact
When we dive deep into the complex lives of fish, we learn that they’re impressive beings with distinct personalities, behaviors,…
How Often Do I Take an Australian Shepherd Outside to Pee?
Taking care of an Australian Shepherd, or any dog for that matter, involves various responsibilities, one of which is ensuring…
How Much Excercise Does a Chihuahua Need?
Chihuahuas, with their bright eyes and tiny stature, may seem like the perfect lap dogs, but they possess a vivacious…