Alaska Airlines has landed a Compassionate Business Award, courtesy of PETA, for the oatstanding addition of oat milk coffee creamer to its in-flight menu—a move PETA has pushed for, as it will help spare cows miserable lives in the dairy industry and decrease the airline’s carbon footprint. The airline also won major kudos for adding tasty vegan options to its first-class menu, including the new Mediterranean Lentils and the returning fan-favorite Moroccan Chickpea Salad.

“In recognizing the sky-high demand for vegan options, Alaska Airlines has made the skies a friendlier place for the millions of people who don’t consume dairy for ethical, environmental, or health reasons,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “PETA urges other airlines to follow Alaska Airlines’ example and get on board with compassion.”

The demand for dairy-free milks has skyrocketed as consumers learn that cows used for dairy are forcibly inseminated and their beloved calves are torn away from them so that the milk meant to nourish their babies can be used by humans. Once their bodies wear out after repeated pregnancies, they’re sent to slaughter. In addition, animal agriculture is a leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions, species extinction, deforestation, and other environmental disasters, and millions of Americans—including an estimated 95% of Asian Americans and 80% of Indigenous and Black Americans—are lactose intolerant.

In addition to shrinking their carbon footprint, each person who goes vegan saves nearly 200 animals each year and improves their own health, since vegans are less prone to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and strokes. Those looking to make the switch can make use of PETA’s free vegan starter kit.

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat or abuse in any other way”—opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information, please visit, listen to The PETA Podcast, or follow the group on X (formerly Twitter)Facebook, or Instagram.

The post The Sky’s No Limit: Alaska Airlines on Board With Oat Milk, Nabs PETA Award appeared first on PETA.

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