Most animal shelters are overcrowded. Some are even forced to turn away new intakes. Sadly, Pit Bulls are harder to find homes for because of their stereotype. A dog like Green Bean, who was seized from a dogfighting ring, tends to intimidate adopters even more. The ‘scary’ but smiley Pit Bull with a troubled past, spent two years in a shelter before finding his forever home. Misjudged and labeled as a “villain,” this sweet pup’s journey is a story of perseverance, understanding, and the incredible bond between humans and animals.


In 2021, Green Bean was rescued from a dogfighting ring along with 32 other dogs. For two years, he lived in a shelter, waiting for someone to see past his background and give him a chance. Despite his difficult past, Green Bean was known for his cheerful demeanor, always greeting visitors with a wagging tail and a smile.

Rachel, a volunteer at the shelter, felt an instant connection to Green Bean. Even on challenging days, Rachel would push herself and make the trip to the shelter just to spend time with him. Together, they would play and enjoy each other’s company, forming a bond that would ultimately lead to Green Bean’s adoption.


While Green Bean was in the shelter, many people judged him based on his past and his breed. Pit Bulls often get a bad reputation, leading potential adopters to be hesitant to give them a chance. However, Rachel never felt unsafe with Green Bean. She knew that he was a loving, gentle dog who just needed someone to believe in him.

The first time Rachel took Green Bean outside and gave him a toy, he fell madly in love. Seeing the joy on his face and his playful romps made Rachel so happy. The toy was Green Bean’s most cherished possession and Rachel looked forward to playing with him on a daily basis.


Eventually, someone saw past Green Bean’s background and adopted him. Rachel believes it’s a good match, with his new owner able to give him all the attention, treats, and toys that he deserves. While she misses him dearly, she is overjoyed that Green Bean has found a loving home.

To meet Green Bean and witness his playtime, check out the video below. We are elated that the pup found his forever home where he is finally free from shelter life.

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