Sec. 5-34. Improper care of animals prohibited.

(c) It shall be unlawful to tether an animal unless the animal is tethered under the direct supervision of a responsible and competent person. The conditions for tethering are:

The responsible and competent person is outside with the animal.

(2) The tether is connected to the animal by a properly fitted buckle type collar or a body harness made of nylon, leather, or similar material.

(3) Choke-type, pinch-type, prong-type or improperly fitted collars are prohibited.

(4) The tether at least five (5) times the length of the animal’s body as measured from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail or a minimum of ten (10) feet, whichever is longer.

(5) The tether is made of a chew resistant, durable material designed specifically for the use of tethering of the specific animal and does not weigh more than one-eighth (⅛) of the animal’s weight.

(6) The animal is tethered in such a manner to prevent injury, strangulation or entanglement.

(7) If a pulley line or trolley system is used to tether an animal, the pulley, running lines, or trolley systems must terminate on at least one end with a swivel and be at least fifteen (15) feet in length and at least four (4) feet but not more than seven (7) feet above ground level.

(8) The animal is at least six (6) months of age.

(9) The animal is not sick, injured, in heat, pregnant, or nursing.

(10) The animal has access to shade and fresh, clean, potable water; a doghouse does not constitute shade.

(11) The animal is tethered in a manner that prevents it from reaching within two (2) feet of the property of another person, a public walkway or a road.

(12) If there are multiple animals, each are tethered separately with a minimum distance of at least six (6) feet from each other.

(13) Adequate space for exercise.

(d) Subsection 5-34(c) shall be effective as of July 01, 2023. Any person who violates subsection 5-34 (c) shall be given thirty (30) days to come into compliance. A second violation will result in a thirty-day compliance period. If violations of subsection 5-34(c) continue after the compliance period ends, a fine shall be imposed for each day the violation continues.

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