Meet Otto, an adorable Pit Bull who has a unique way of showing happiness and expressing his love for meeting new people. This heartwarming story of Otto and his beloved blue stick will undoubtedly bring a smile to your face and warm your heart. Laura, Otto’s mom, knows that her furry companion is happy when she sees his tail wagging and his signature “butt wiggles.” Otto’s favorite thing in the world is his blue stick, which he proudly shows off to anyone who will pay attention.


Otto carries his favorite blue stick toy around the yard, even when no one is nearby. Laura believes the stick helps Otto feel more confident when meeting new people. Otto’s journey began outside an AutoZone store, where Laura found him in rough shape. He had been living on the streets for quite some time. Despite his difficult past, Otto acclimated to his new family almost immediately.

Laura soon realized that the blue stick was more than just a toy for Otto – it was a security blanket that made him feel calm and confident when meeting new people. Otto can never have enough blue sticks, and he happily brings them along on walks, eager to show them off to anyone who will look.


When boxes arrive at the house, Otto always thinks they are for him. Laura and her family decided to surprise Otto by ordering a whole bunch of blue sticks and creating a scavenger hunt for him to find them all. As Otto ran from one end of the yard to the other, sniffing around and discovering each stick, it was as if he found his prized possession for the first time. Once Otto had collected all of his sticks, he couldn’t wait to show them off to everyone in the yard.


Otto is not just a dog; he is a beloved part of the family. His heartwarming story is too sweet to miss. Check out Otto in the video below, but be prepared to fall head-over-heels in love with the adorable Pit Bull. He couldn’t be cuter!

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