In the next weeks, Congress will vote on a series of spending bills to fund the federal government. Opponents of endangered species protections in the House of Representatives have attached amendments to those bills that could do real harm to already-imperiled species and block efforts to provide needed safeguards.

Email your senators and ask that they oppose ALL anti-wildlife amendments on spending bills.

A pair of measures would stop any progress in saving North Atlantic right whales and Rice’s whale, found only in the Gulf of Mexico. Just last week, a 2-month old right whale calf was gravely wounded by a boat’s propeller, causing an injury that may push this species closer to extinction. This highly endangered species urgently needs the protections that Congress is seeking to deny in this appropriations bill.

Other proposals from the House include:

Reinstating the flawed Trump administration rule delisting the gray wolf in 44 states;

Blocking protections for Northern long-eared bats;

Prohibiting the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating rodenticides that cause excruciating pain and death in big cats and other animals that consume poisoned prey;

Delisting the Greater Yellowstone population of grizzly bears from the Endangered Species Act–paving the way for sport hunting;

Preventing sage grouse from receiving protection and more.

The Senate can stop these attacks on wildlife from becoming law–but your senators need to know that you will support them if they block these amendments.

Please email your senators today and ask them to protect endangered species by ensuring that these amendments are not included in the final appropriations bills.

Thank you for your commitment to wildlife and wild places.

Susan Holmes
Executive Director
Endangered Species Coalition
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