More and more snow overnight but everyone equine is doing ok.

This lot can get to the grass if they bother to dig through the powdery snow and they have a bucket in the morning.

Monster of course is in his element.

Invisibility is his middle name.  He is the master of stealth and surprise.  No one expects…….. a white cat in the snow!


Meanwhile, I am worried about Lambie. He hasn’t eaten his breakfast for two days in a row and seems depressed.  So I put the others in a field, so they couldn’t hassle him.  He likes to eat on his own and I tried everything.

I opened a fresh bag of sheep crunch – nope, he turned away.  I gave him a fresh block of dried grass – he quite liked that and I wondered if he is missing fresh green grass.  I can do nothing about that. The snow has covered it up.

I even held the bowl for him between my feet so it didn’t slide around while he was eating.

Then I sprinkled some of Edna’s favourite food (Rowen Barbary Ready Mash Extra) on the top and he quite liked that.

The minute I thought “good, I’ve found what he likes”, he would stop eating.

I tried fibre beet (dried sugarbeet cubes for horses and he quite liked them – but no real enthusiasm).  He’s gone off hay too.

So I found a box of beet shreds with barley and he did like that.  Sadly you can’t get beet shreds anymore but I hope I can jolly him along until the thaw at hopefully the weekend.  Lambie has always been a fussy feeder, and sometimes he will only eat if I promise to hold his bowl.

*** sigh ***. I shall now worry constantly about Lambie.

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