When Josh decided to take in a pregnant mama dog named Kaya, he had no idea just how much joy and love she would bring into his life. Kaya was found living in an alley and was caught by a friend of Josh’s. From the moment she arrived at her new foster home, Kaya seemed to know that she was safe and finally had a place to call her own. To help Kaya feel more comfortable, Josh spent time with her in her whelping box, made out of a kiddie pool, to acclimate her to her new surroundings. Kaya’s belly was enormous as she carried her soon-to-be-born puppies. Each day, she grew more and more uncomfortable, showing signs that she was getting closer to giving birth.


One day, Kaya’s stomach began making strange noises, indicating that it was time for the puppies to arrive. After giving birth to her first puppy, Kaya continued to deliver puppies every hour until 7:00 a.m., resulting in a litter of six adorable pups. She stayed by their side for weeks, nurturing them and ensuring their well-being.


As the puppies grew, they began to open their mouths and their eyes and started moving around more. Kaya learned to play with toys by watching her pups play. The babies would chase her around the house, begging for more food. She was the best mama, and her puppies were her entire world.

Around nine or ten weeks, Kaya’s behavior shifted from nurturing to playful, as her puppies began to grow into dogs. They would all play together, with Kaya proving to be faster than her little ones. At 16 weeks, the puppies started getting adopted. Once her puppies were in their forever homes, Josh knew it was time for him to also say goodbye to Kaya. He wanted to foster more dogs, and Kaya seemed to be ready for the next chapter in her life. After some time, Kaya’s new mom and dad came to pick her up, leaving Josh feeling both happy and sad at the same time.


When Josh visited Kaya at her new home two years later, she immediately recognized him and greeted him with love and excitement. Kaya was doing great with her new family, and Josh was overjoyed to see her so happy and well-adjusted. Thanks to Josh and his heart of gold, Kaya and her puppies are thriving. Josh, we are forever grateful for you! Play the video below to meet Kaya and her precious babies.

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The post Guy Fostered Pittie & Babies Reunites With Her, Hopes She Remembers Him appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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