Cyclists Tristan and Belén were on a cycling tour together in Central Asia when they encountered a heartwarming surprise. On a road called the Pamir Highway, about 100 kilometers before the main city, they found two scared and abandoned puppies by the side of the road. The cyclists’ plans quickly changed, and they decided to focus on rescuing the puppies. The puppies were frightened, hot, and thirsty. Tristan and Belén gave them water and bread, but the puppies only drank the water. It took about an hour for the cyclists to flag down a truck that could take them and the puppies to Dushanbe, where they could get the puppies to safety.


Once in Dushanbe, Tristan and Belén reached out to their friends and asked for help on Instagram. They wanted to raise money to fly the puppies to the Netherlands, where they could find them a loving home. To their surprise, an anonymous woman from the Netherlands donated 1,000 euros to cover the cost of the flights. The cyclists were blown away by the generosity and were extremely grateful.


With the funds in place, Tristan and Belén prepared to leave for the Netherlands with the puppies, now named Moka and Latte. They made sure the pups were comfortable in their carrier and went through security at the airport. Once they arrived in Amsterdam, they took care of Moka and Latte by feeding them and making sure they were comfortable during the layover.


Finally, Moka and Latte were home and ready to be adopted. Tristan and Belén found a lovely family in The Hague for Moka. She would join a family with three adolescent kids, who they believed would provide a great home for her. Latte would stay with Tristan’s mom, who already had a dog. The two dogs were introduced and seemed to become fast friends.

This heartwarming story of two cyclists who went above and beyond to rescue two abandoned puppies in Central Asia is a testament to the power of kindness and compassion. Not only did Tristan and Belén save the lives of these puppies, but they also gave them a chance at a happy and loving future in the Netherlands.

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