Judy Obregon, the founder of a dog rescue organization called The Abandoned Ones, received a call about a stray Poodle-mix…
Fouling Texas, Killing Monkeys: Charles River’s Plan for Massive Monkey Prison
The post Fouling Texas, Killing Monkeys: Charles River’s Plan for Massive Monkey Prison appeared first on PETA.
Because You Consume Dairy, Calves Die. Go Vegan.
The post Because You Consume Dairy, Calves Die. Go Vegan. appeared first on PETA.
I Don’t Belong On Your Plate Or In Your Wardrobe.
The post I Don’t Belong On Your Plate Or In Your Wardrobe. appeared first on PETA.
18-Year-Old Dog Surrendered For Being “Stupid” Finally Finds Someone To Love Him Forever
At the ripe old age of 18, Figgy the Toy Poodle found himself blind, toothless… and abandoned. Who could do…
Please Pick Coconut Products That Weren’t Picked By Him (VegNews Print)
The post Please Pick Coconut Products That Weren’t Picked By Him (VegNews Print) appeared first on PETA.