How to Help Mice and Rats Live to Tidy Up Another Day

So You Found Mice in Your House? Here’s the Best Way to Help Them

If You’d Prefer ‘Tidy Mouse’ Tidied Up Elsewhere, Here’s How to Help Him Back Outside

What One Person Learned From Living With Her Own ‘Tidy Mouse’

What Should You Do if Mice Have Found Their Way Into Your Home?

What Can a Mouse Teach Us About Tidying Up?

How One Person Found Out That We Have a Lot to Learn From Mice


If mice or rats have decided to party at your pad, you can encourage them to pack their things and go with these simple and kind tips.


Did the “Welsh Tidy Mouse” make you wonder about small mammals? Learn how one person’s experience with a mouse companion taught them to protect wild rodents from a deadly fate.

The post What Should You Do if Mice Have Found Their Way Into Your Home? appeared first on PETA.

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