Need advice. What probiotics do you give your dog?

Posted by Jan E. – 12/31/23

Proviable, every day. They also get Vanilla Yogurt in their breakfast. – Linda J.

FortiFlora I order from Chewy.. Our vet knew the guy that developed it … Said it was the best. Caryl M.

Super-Flora Probiotic from Natural Dog. – Dogs D.

Thanks for all these advice – Yvette N.

Mine has sardines twice a week mixed with his biscuits also give him yumove salmon oilMarie R.

Provable-Forte capsules. One a day sprinkled over food. Prescription needed. Works excellently. – Diane K.

Greek yogurt with meal – Bettie M.

Proviable recommended by my vet for my dog – Michelle N.

Proviable or forta floraMckenzie K.

Activia yogurt every day – Cyndy P.

Share my Miso soup! Dog loves it but watch out salt level. – Mycorgi A.

Woolworths lactose free table spoon every morning on an empty stomach – Jennifer M.

Yakult – Marga D.

Sugar free plain Greek yogurt, blueberries, pumpkin & pomegranate – Lisa K.

I give mine 3-in-1 daily probiotic by I Heart Dogs.
It’s chewable and they love it. – Sandy N.

I actually do some plain yogurt and add fresh blueberries (just a few in a heaping spoonful of yogurt,) –Kathy C.

Natural probiotic unsweetened yogurt – Phillipa S.

Personally I like Wholistic Pet Organics Susan K.

Home made plain yogurt – Maha H.

Cali and Tucker get Ultra oil, Pet Honesty probiotics, Kiefer and fresh berries and veggies to increase gut health. – Maureen W.

Forti Flora. Once a day, sprinkled on his food, vet recommends – Betty S.
Native PetGinny Z.

Zesty Paws. My yorkie mix has been getting it for 5 years. Ky L.

Fortiflora is good, salmon oil, yoghurt and cheese. Mine had severe mange, and giardia. – Catherine G.

I’ve been using Forti Flora for years for my 2 small dogs and we haven’t had any problems.
Our vet said it was the best on the market …. – Lynn C.

Our dog gets yogurt in the morning and pumpkin at night – Peg B.

Greek yogurt, but I’m also giving a mushroom supplement. – Lynn F.

Wholistic Digest-All Plus has been working well for my Havanese. I get it through Amazon – Jean R.

Amazon – Bark & SparkBarb L.
Amazon – Bark & Spark David D.

Purina Fortiflora Probiotics… recommend by our veterinarian – Stacey D.

I would check with your Vet most don’t want dogs eating blueberries but yogurt is great but plain non low-fat yogurt is best pumpkin that has nothing in it is always good too –Kristie L.

Fortiflora by Proplan something, it’s what her vet first gave her and I’ve kept with it, seems to treat her very well. – Darcie H.

Pet Naturals of Vermont, Daily ProbioticsMarsha H.

Probiotic Miracle. Contains pre and probiotics – Lynn A.

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