A traveler embarking on a road trip in China had covered approximately 200 miles when he was startled by the sound of barking emanating from the front of his vehicle. Deciding to investigate, he promptly pulled over to assess the situation. To his surprise, he discovered the following scene:


Image/Story Source Credit: Bnews via YouTube Video


A puppy was stuck in the bumper. Somehow, it was alive.


Image/Story Source Credit: Bnews via YouTube Video


The driver knew he hit a dog a ways back but had an explanation…


Image/Story Source Credit: Bnews via YouTube Video


“I was driving pretty quickly at the time so when I hit the dog, I thought it had either died or run away, so I didn’t get out of the car to check.”


Image/Story Source Credit: Bnews via YouTube Video

After being cleared by the vet, the dog was taken home by the driver. He felt it was only right to adopt the dog.

“It escaped from great danger. This really moved me. This shows my fate with the dog.”

The moral of the story? ALWAYS stop when you think you’ve hit an animal. Your life and theirs depends on it! Thankfully, this one had a happy ending. Share it with your friends.

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The post 200 Miles Into The Trip, He Heard ‘Barking’ Coming From The Front Of His Car appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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