A sweet and innocent Pomeranian was brought to the shelter after her owner couldn’t care for her. His wife left him with six dogs, and the pup, later named Mickey, was too much for him to handle. At 16 years old, Mickey required a lot of care and her vet bills were overwhelming. Her owner relinquished the elderly pup, who was confused and saddened. She had never lived life inside a loud, distressing shelter. Mickey spent five weeks there but still managed to have hope for a better existence.


The staff reached out to Lee Asher when no one showed interest in Mickey. They realized the dog, at her age, wouldn’t be desirable and could spend the rest of her life ‘behind bars.’ Lee agreed to visit Mickey, and when he did, he fell in love with her adorable, happy face and winning personality. He adopted her immediately.

Mickey relaxed in his arms with a content smile on her face, knowing she was loved. Lee was amazed that despite her trauma, she was in good spirits. Once back at Lee’s doggy sanctuary, Mickey instantly took to his pack. They came to greet her, and her tail never stopped wagging! Mickey also bonded with Lee and followed him everywhere he went, afraid he would leave her too.


Lee placed her on the couch with a cozy blanket, and she finally laid down, thrilled to be safe. Lee says in the video below, “She was grabbing onto that blanket like she was saying, ‘Don’t move me anymore.’ It seriously broke my heart.” It was obvious that Mickey was both exhausted and relieved. The following day, Lee took Mickey on a walk with her new doggy friends. She trotted proudly like she was a puppy again.

The story continues and is guaranteed to warm your heart and soul. Wait until you see Mickey go on adventures with her foster dad. It’s incredible! Thank you, Lee, for all the hard work you do! Mickey’s tale is too good to miss. Play the video below to experience it in its entirety; it’ll make your whole body smile!

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The post Relinquished To Shelter, 16 Yr Old Pom Grabs Blanket & Begs To Stay With Him appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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