At just three months old, a puppy named Comfort was heartlessly abandoned by her family, leaving her to fend for herself. A kind-hearted bystander who saw the unfortunate event took the young puppy to a shelter located in Los Angeles, California. Betrayed by those she trusted, Comfort was found shivering in fear at the back of her kennel. Upon her arrival at the shelter, it was evident she was suffering from malnutrition and dehydration, and she showed no interest in food. Furthermore, she was battling a flea infestation.


Her fear was palpable as she continued to shake and cower in her small space, avoiding any eye contact with the shelter workers and resisting their attempts to touch her. The sight of Comfort in such a state of fear deeply saddened the shelter’s staff and volunteers.

Ashely Pittman, who volunteers at the Los Angeles shelter and with A Purposeful Rescue, a non-profit, decided to take action to help Comfort find a foster home. She shared a video of the scared puppy on Instagram, which quickly gained attention and spread to TikTok, where it became viral.


A foster who saw the video reached out to Pittman and A Purposeful Rescue, offering to take in Comfort, and promptly arranged to fetch her from the shelter. Once under the care of A Purposeful Rescue, Comfort was welcomed into her foster home, where her foster mother was committed to helping her overcome her fears and reveal her true self. The shelter environment had left Comfort anxious, but her foster mother understood that with time and patience, Comfort would begin to unwind.

In her first days at the foster home, Comfort exhibited signs of distress, whimpering and seeking refuge under a bed. Her foster mom provided her with unwavering care and affection, nurturing Comfort back to a sense of security. Gradually, Comfort started to show signs of improvement, her eyes now gleaming with hope as she began to settle into her new environment. Just look at this sweet girl in her adoption video, posted below.

Her foster mom eagerly anticipates the emergence of Comfort’s full personality. Once Comfort has fully adjusted to her foster home, the search for her permanent home will commence. The hope is that Comfort will soon be embraced by a forever family that will provide her with the love and care she deserves, cherishing her for a lifetime. Comfort’s heartwarming transformation can be seen in the video below.


Sharing from #instagram @HelloSouthLADogs Dogs are just simply amazing, aren’t they? Comfort has decompressed, gotten over her cold, and is ready for her happily ever after. She’s a 4-5 month old 18 lb puppy who is looking for a home with at least one dog friend-they provide so much confidence and support for this little one. She can’t wait to meet you 🩷 Adoptable through @A purposeful rescue #comfort #wedontdeservedogs Foster @normanlovessquirrels

♬ original sound – katelovesmutts


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