Big News for Small Mammals in the U.K.: A Twisted Test Is Sunk!

Great News for Mice and Rats! The U.K. Wades Into Better Science With This Move

Mice and Rats, Rejoice! There’s Big News About a Twisted Test in the U.K.

How Did the U.K. Just Toss a Life Raft to Mice and Rats?

The U.K. Makes Waves With Decision on the Forced Swim Test—Check It Out!

Where Is the Forced Swim Test Sinking? Major Progress for Mice and Rats

Why Depression Studies Are About to Get a Major Scientific Boost in the U.K.

Why Other Countries Should Follow the U.K.’s Lead and Ban This Watered-Down Test

Test That Hurts Mice and Rats Is Sunk! Find Out How PETA U.K. Made Progress


After relentless campaigning by PETA U.K., the U.K. government has made a change that will encourage scientists to focus on human-relevant research methods.


The U.K. government reviewed its policy on the forced swim test and made a big announcement that will protect small mammals and change the lives of humans waiting for help with depression.

The post How Did the U.K. Just Toss a Life Raft to Mice and Rats? appeared first on PETA.

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