Ladybird, an elderly black Lab-mix, found herself in an unusual predicament when she was left in a park restroom in Louisiana. Despite the circumstances, she remained hopeful. Her owner, facing tough times, had to leave her there temporarily, accompanied by a note filled with heartache. It wasn’t long before Ladybird was discovered by compassionate rescuers, but what she received was more than a mere rescue. The backstory of how Ladybird ended up in a restroom was deeply touching. She had spent nine wonderful years with her owner, journeying across the country and living together since she was just six weeks old. Whenever they needed a break, they would return to their home in North Carolina to spend time with family before setting off again.
This time, however, their adventure took a downturn when Ladybird’s owner became homeless in Louisiana. He was staying in a shelter, saving every penny to return to North Carolina with Ladybird. Without a car or a home, he made the difficult decision to leave Ladybird in a restroom overnight.
He left a note pleading for kindness towards Ladybird and provided some water for her. The next day, when he went to retrieve her, Ladybird was gone. He quickly contacted animal control and found out that Ladybird had been taken to St. Charles Parish Animal Shelter.
Upon hearing Ladybird and her owner’s story, the shelter staff were moved and decided to intervene. Despite the uniqueness of the situation, they were determined to help the devoted pair. They coordinated with the Virginia Beach SPCA to transfer Ladybird there, which was a plane ride away. After landing in the Virginia area, the SPCA volunteers picked Ladybird up and took her for a spa day.
After her pampering session, she was treated to a delicious Pupachino for her good behavior. When Ladybird’s story became known, various pet organizations rallied to assist in getting her home. They gathered funds for her flight back to North Carolina, as well as medical care and pet supplies. Eventually, Ladybird was joyfully reunited with her grandmother, much to their delight.
Ladybird’s owner later updated the rescuers about their situation, expressing gratitude and sharing that both he and Ladybird were doing well. The Virginia Beach SPCA posted this on their Facebook page:
“Ladybird is doing wonderfully with her family in North Carolina! We had quite a few questions about her human in Louisiana, and we want everyone to know that he is doing well and is so happy that Ladybird is home,” the rescue team shared. After overcoming numerous challenges, Ladybird was finally able to return to a normal life, all thanks to the overwhelming kindness of a group of people united by their love for animals.
Sometimes, a little faith can make a big difference! To see the full story and heartwarming journey, check out the video below.
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