Every dog loves to go to the park. You arrive with them and they immediately start sniffing the entire area trying to figure out what dog had already come before them and when that dog was actually there. Then it’s time to mark their territory and claim ownership over the land and get a good game of fetch in before the inevitable happens: the humans wanting to leave.

It’s not that dogs don’t love their homes, they do. It’s just that they have so much fun at the park with all of the sights and smells that they never want it to end. Obviously they can’t stay there forever, but they don’t understand. Mom and dad are totally unfair and being big meanies trying to pack up and head back home.


Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo via Facebook Video


In the video below, we have a particularly rebellious Husky laying down the law. No, it is not time to go! The dog didn’t even sniff everything yet, you know? The dog absolutely refuses to budge and causes a big scene with lots of back talk. Mom and dad can’t help but laugh, but they also feel slightly embarrassed. After all, they don’t want to cause too much of a ruckus with all of the other park-goers trying to enjoy their day and relax.

“We’re done, it’s time to go.” But the Husky isn’t having it. His tantrum is too cute and too funny! “You’re embarrassing yourself… and us.” After putting up quite the battle, Dakota’s time at the park has come to an end. Dad does what he has to do and picks the dog up and places him in the car!

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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The post Husky ‘Refuses’ To Leave The Park, So Dad Has To Pull Out All The Stops appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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