So, I noticed, when I fed everyone their breakfast this morning, that no one had actually explored much of their new track.  They had all just been standing around.

So, on the dog-walk (much to Ted’s horror as he hates all things Minion), I grabbed Storm who is the most gullible (read willing) and led him around the track so to show him that there were other lovely places to explore.

I knew the others would follow wondering if I was leading Storm to a land of endless chocolate cake.

Yer, right!

I showed them the other side of the burn and they duly waded through and I was reminded of The Jungle Book – the 1967 Disney version. A favourite film.

Once I saw Vitamin arrive and she had a drink as she wandered through the burn, I knew everyone would be ok.  She would see to it.  She is still the leader.

And tail-end Charlie, or Fivla duly crossed too (I have sicne returned and added another strand of wire on the burn to stop Waffle ducking under).

Oh yes!  We know, don’t we Vitamin?

Later on today, I could see the ponies all far away.

(a close up)

And even later on, they had all done at least two circuits of the track and were perfectly happy pottering around.



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