Yesterday was lovely.  Today was dreich (dreary, bleak).

And very windy.  Windy enough to be annoying but not windy enough to be termed an actual gale.

After making a sheep in my shed, I stretched my legs and walked over to check on the Ancients (I can see the Shetland ponies from the house). I took an apple to see if they were ok.  I worry hugely about colic in this field.

All well there and they were drinking the water I lug over in the Eggbox, which is good.

I stood and watched these two cousins “chat”.

Aged 30 and 28 years old, Haakon and Iacs have lived together for over 25 years now, which is I think is lovely.

And yet they still bicker!

And these are the faces of sheep that found out that we have run out of all things biscuit in this house (possibly to town tomorrow).  Oh, the disappointment.

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