A unique pact had been struck between a Golden Retriever and a UPS deliveryman: a treat for the dog with each visit. This delightful exchange, familiar to many, was disrupted one day when the deliveryman inadvertently omitted the treat, much to the dog’s dismay. Taking action into his own paws, the dog seized an opportunity for reparation.

As the deliveryman busied himself with parcels, the dog, driven by a blend of instinct and desire for his customary reward, hopped into the open vehicle. Concealing himself in the van’s rear, he became an unwitting passenger on the delivery route around town. The discovery of his furry stowaway prompted the deliveryman to promptly return the adventurous dog to his home, restoring the balance of their treat-based agreement.

Image/Story Source Credit: Reddit


The dog’s owner found the situation hilarious, and he posted a sort of “dog shaming” on Reddit. He pinned a note to the dog and submitted the photo for everyone to see.


“The UPS man forgot to throw me a cookie so I snuck into his truck and took a ride around the neighborhood. He had to deliver me back to my house.”


Redditors shared their own stories of pets developing a protective attitude towards UPS drivers, with the most popular being:


Please be sure to ‘SHARE’ this story with a friend or family member!

The post Dog Hides In UPS Truck And Rides All Over Town, Wearing Note With “Important Message” For All appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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