The harsh realities of mortality were starkly highlighted by the devastating impact of illness and loss, illustrated poignantly in the story of a terminally ill grandfather and his two devoted dogs, Arong and Asoon. This narrative is a profound testament to the ephemeral nature of existence and the deep bonds of love and loyalty that transcend it.

For the grandfather, Arong and Asoon were far more than mere companions; they were the essence of his family, cherished with all the love and devotion one would afford their own children. The trio shared an unbreakable bond, their lives interwoven with affection and mutual care. However, this blissful existence was shattered by the grandfather’s diagnosis with cancer, a cruel blow that initiated a gradual decline in his health. Despite his diminishing strength and vitality, the grandfather continued to care for Arong and Asoon with unwavering dedication, demonstrating the depth of their connection even in the face of his own adversity.

Image Credit/Story Source: YouTube Video


One day, a sudden stroke struck the grandfather, leading to his urgent hospitalization. The prognosis was grim; time was rapidly running out for him. Yet, in these moments of dwindling life, his foremost concern remained the welfare of his two cherished dogs, Arong and Asoon.

During the grandfather’s hospital stay, Arong and Asoon were plagued by a deep sense of dread and sorrow, as if aware of the grave changes unfolding. Their cries and lamentations echoed their distress, a poignant symbol of their fear of what lay ahead. A compassionate neighbor stepped in to ensure their well-being, yet nothing could ease the dogs’ anguish over their beloved owner’s absence.

In this heartrending video, we witness the grandfather, now partly paralyzed and grappling with the reality of his terminal condition, making a selfless decision for the sake of Arong and Asoon. Overwhelmed by the weight of his circumstances, he expresses profound regret for being an “incapable” father to them. Tears flow freely as he pledges not to cause them further pain. With a heavy heart, he entrusts Arong and Asoon to the care of an animal welfare organization, hoping fervently that they might find happiness and prosperity even in his absence.

Image Credit/Story Source: YouTube Video

Before being transferred to the care of the welfare organization, Arong and Asoon were taken to the hospital for a poignant farewell with their beloved owner. However, sensing the gravity of the moment, the dogs instinctively understood it was their final goodbye and resisted the separation. They turned away from their owner and emitted soft whines, signaling their reluctance to leave his side.

The sorrow etched on Arong and Asoon’s faces mirrored their deep comprehension of the grave reality before them. They were acutely aware of their owner’s imminent departure from this world, yet clung to a thread of denial, silently imploring him to defy the odds and linger a bit longer. The scene was a stark portrayal of their profound bond, leaving an indelible mark of sadness as the grandfather was left shattered, his heart splintering under the weight of their imminent parting.


Image Credit/Story Source: YouTube Video


After being resettled in the shelter, Grandpa had the chance to see Arong and Asoon thriving during a video call. This offered him a mixture of emotions, comforted by the knowledge that his beloved dogs would be safe and well-cared for. Though the doctors had given Grandpa a prognosis of two to three years, he departed from this world just a month following the video call. His passing marks a solemn closure, but his courageous spirit and the undying affection he held for Arong and Asoon will forever be cherished and remembered. Rest in peace, Grandpa, your legacy of love endures.


Watch this heartwarming story below and be sure to SHARE with a friend or family member!

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