Where Do Animals Used for Dissection Come From?

End Animal Dissection at Your School—Here’s How!

Students: Don’t Just Opt Out—End Animal Dissection Entirely at Your School 

Students: Help Your School Take a Leap in the Right Direction 

Inspire Kindness in the Classroom—Help End Animal Dissection 

Here’s How to Help Your School Hop on Board With Animal-Free Science

There’s a Kinder Way Than Animal Dissection—Help Your School Hop to It!

Will You Help Frogs Have a Hoppy Ending? peta2 Will Show You How

peta2’s Ultimate Guide to Removing Animal Dissection From Your School

You Can Help Your School Cut Out Animal Dissection With peta2’s Easy Steps


Animals on the dissection tray had thoughts, feelings, and families. Learn how to help your school’s science programs choose a kinder and better way.

The post There’s a Kinder Way Than Animal Dissection—Help Your School Hop to It! appeared first on PETA.

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