We’ve all seen the you tube videos and adorable pictures on the internet that depict raccoons to be cute, friendly, and downright lovable animals. However cuddly looking these four legged creatures may be, they are not friendly guests. In fact, many times when a raccoon is approaching a human or acting out of character, they have rabies and can transmit it to you. If you encounter a raccoon on your Twin Cities, MN property, don’t try and touch it. Instead, call your expert professionals at Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc.

Problems with Raccoons

While a raccoon out in the wild can be exciting to witness, having one on your property can quickly turn into a large nuisance. Not only do they tear up your lawn, wreak havoc on your garbage cans and even make their nests in unwanted spaces like the chimney or gardens, but they also carry diseases. Their feces can carry parasites that can be dangerous to both humans and our pets. Additionally, raccoons are well known for carrying rabies. Rabies is not only dangerous, it is deadly. If exposed, medical treatment is always necessary.

Removing Raccoons

Let’s be clear, while raccoons look adorable that are not friendly! If you try to remove these animals or even go near their nest, they will attack you and you will get hurt. Not only can they be aggressive, they can get caught in extremely precarious places making it extremely difficult to successfully remove them. If you find that you have a raccoon problem, make it easy on yourself and give our professionals a call. With over 35 years of combined experience, we are more than capable of effectively removing your raccoon problem. Give us a call and we will come assess the issue. We will inspect your problem areas and come up with an appropriate action plan that gives the job done in a timely, cost-effective manner. We will then take steps to ensure that your raccoon problem does not return. Lastly, we will repair any damage that your raccoons may have caused and leave you with a strong two year warranty and much needed peace of mind.

If you think you have a raccoon problem, don’t wait for it to multiply. Let Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc., handle all of your wild animal needs. For more information about our raccoon removal services in the Twin Cities, give us a call today at (763) 785-1414.

The post Raccoon Removal Services in Twin Cities, MN first appeared on Minnesota Wild Animal Management.

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