SUCCESS! Army Stops Brain-Damage Test


Following pressure from PETA, the US Army stopped funding a cruel brain-injury test on ferrets conducted on taxpayers’ dime at Michigan’s Wayne State University. Dozens of curious, once-playful ferrets had been bombarded with radio waves, purportedly to study whether a directed-energy weapon could induce the effects of Havana syndrome in humans. Urge top military brass to ban the use of any animals in weapon-wounding experiments.



WIN! Axe Axes All Animal Tests

Man: © Roman Samborskyi/

PETA has added another big name to its Beauty Without Bunnies program: Axe (known in some countries as Lynx) will no longer conduct, commission, or allow tests on animals for its fragrance sprays, bodywashes, gels, and other mega-popular men’s grooming products. Axe joins more than 20 other brands from parent company Unilever that have opted for effective, modern, non-animal testing methods. What other companies don’t test on animals? See the list here.



Lisa Ann Walter: Adoption Is Love

© Photographer – Elisabeth Caren | Creative director – Greg Garry | Hair – Dustin Osborne | Makeup – Jen Bennett

Her performance as a teacher on Abbott Elementary won her Peabody and Screen Actors Guild awards. Now, in a winsome new PETA ad, Lisa Ann Walter is schooling people on reducing the numbers of dogs and cats who end up in shelters, explaining how buying from a pet store or breeder perpetuates the problem by adding more animals to the mix instead of helping with those already in need of a good home. Tell everyone to save a life and adopt.



PETA’s Doughnut Giveaway: A Lifesaving Proposition

There was no missing PETA’s demo in New York City’s Times Square: Stilt-walking supporters passed out loads of vegan doughnuts, along with info about UK economist Kate Raworth’s doughnut model of economics, an environmental action plan that calls for rejecting animal-derived foods. PETA supports the Plant Based Treaty’s appeal to put food systems at the forefront of solutions to abate the climate catastrophe, which treaty reps discussed at COP28. Go vegan – for animals and the planet. Order a free vegan starter kit.



Top Hotel Chain Ditches Down! Is H&M Next?

Sweet dreams, indeed. Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, the world’s largest hotel franchisor, received a Compassionate Business Award from PETA for being down-free at all core brands in the US and Canada – including Days Inn, Ramada, La Quinta, Super 8, Howard Johnson, and Travelodge – allowing its guests to rest easy. “Angels” in stunning faux-feather wings descended on H&M stores to urge the retailer to also do away with down. Get involved!



Christopher von Uckermann Calls For Corky’s Freedom

© Photo – Laura Cohen | Hair and makeup – Marysol Fernández | Special effects – Alejandro Castillo

Singer and actor Christopher von Uckermann added his distinctive voice to that of PETA members seeking to free Corky from SeaWorld San Diego, by “trapping” himself inside a snow globe to mimic Corky’s minuscule tank. He also narrated PETA Latino’s video telling the story of the long-suffering orca – who has been captive for 54 years, 36 of those years at SeaWorld – and sent a letter to SeaWorld calling for Corky’s release to a seaside sanctuary. Urge SeaWorld to do the right thing.



End Animal Tests! 200,000+ People Sign PETA Germany Petition

More than 200,000 people have signed PETA Germany’s petition calling on the government to put in place a binding plan to end tests on animals. As laid out in our paradigm-shifting Research Modernization Deal (RMD), cutting-edge, human-relevant tests save the lives of animals – some 3 million suffer and die in laboratories in Germany every year – and facilitate effective treatments for humans. Add your voice and ask your legislators to support PETA’s RMD.



PETA to Meat-Eaters: Make the Connection!

News that the lethal H5N1 strain of avian influenza has now reached the Antarctic prompted an immediate response from PETA Australia: a billboard spelling out how factory farms in our own countries spread and promote mutation of this and other pathogenic viruses. Australian law allows chickens to be confined so densely that they can’t ever stretch their wings. Check out PETA’s chicken-friendly favorites.



PETA’s X Ad Calls Musk Out

With X (formerly Twitter) bleeding advertisers for extra fees, PETA offered – and the platform ran – an ad to add some paltry pennies to Elon Musk’s lost revenue, pointing out that his “science” is simply a cruel and reckless circus. Experimenters at Musk’s Neuralink – where approximately 1,500 monkeys, pigs, and other animals have been killed already – drill holes in animals’ skulls and implant chips in their brains. Help end other such experiments on primates by urging the National Institutes of Health to close its national primate research centers.



WIN! Images of Flat-Faced Dogs Pulled After Appeals From PETA

© Veran36/

Pugs, boxers, and other breathing-impaired breeds (BIB) suffer from an array of devastating disabilities because of their deliberately flattened snouts, and promoting them encourages breeders to churn out more. That’s why, after appeals from PETA, pharmacy giant Rite Aid is phasing out greeting cards depicting BIBs and the mega ad agency Hill Holliday committed to no longer featuring them in its ads – joining a growing list of companies that have nixed harmful images of BIBs. Urge the University of Georgia to retire its bulldog mascot.



Danai Gurira: Hot Cars Kill

© Photo – Matt Sayles | Creative Director – Greg Garry | Hair – Larry Sims | Makeup – Tym Buacharem | Styling – Wayman and Micah | Nails – Sreynin Peng | Glass – ©

She fought zombies in The Walking Dead and protected Wakanda in Black Panther. Joined by her beloved canine companion Papi, Danai Gurira is now going to bat for dogs in a hard-hitting PETA campaign. Twice as many dogs reportedly died from heat-related causes in the US last year than in any other year on record – and those are just the ones that were reported. “Be a warrior for animals,” Gurira says. “If you see a dog alone in a [hot] car, do whatever it takes to save them.” Visit the PETA Shop to order an emergency hammer.



VICTORY! Hallmark Drops ‘Grinning’ Chimpanzee Cards


E-mails from tens of thousands of PETA supporters. Provocative demos. Eye-catching ads. Appeals from celebs including Judy Greer. Our campaign against Hallmark has paid off! The greeting card king has stopped producing and selling cards featuring clownish images of chimpanzees – which stymie conservation efforts by misleading consumers to believe that the species is thriving and which may even drive the black-market demand for these animals as “pets.” Full house: Hallmark was the last major card manufacturer still selling cards with exploitative images of great apes.



PETA India: Leather Is Not Vegetarian

Man – © v | Shoe – © | Blood – ©

Who are you wearing?” That’s the question PETA India put to shoppers across the country with billboards reminding them that if they don’t eat beef – and most Indians don’t – they shouldn’t wear leather, either. Cows, sheep, goats, pigs, and other animals are tormented and killed for their skin – and just like the humans who wear leather, they can experience fear and feel pain and they all want to live. Look for vegan leather made from pineapple leaves, mushrooms, cork, and other animal- and eco-friendly materials.



Chris P Carrot on Presidential Campaign Trail!

Chris P Carrot, PETA’s nonpartisan mascot, hit the US presidential campaign trail to promote a platform that crosses party lines: Go vegan to save animals’ lives, bolster human health, and protect the environment. Our campaign calls out the meat, egg, and dairy industries, which pump out about a third of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, according to the United Nations, and harm and kill billions of animals – all to produce artery-clogging foods. Throw your hat in the ring: Get a free vegan starter kit.

The post PETA News appeared first on PETA.

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