Tilly, an ill and forsaken puppy, was discovered in a pitiful state with a swollen abdomen and patches of fur missing. Her large, expressive eyes sought help from Aaron, who recognized that she had been abandoned and required aid. Aaron promptly transported her to the veterinarian, despite the challenging journey. Upon examination, it was confirmed that Tilly was gravely ill. Nevertheless, the vet reassured Aaron that with appropriate medical attention and care, Tilly had a chance at recovery and a healthier future.


“You’re going to be the prettiest dog in Bali, aren’t you?” Aaron said to Tilly. Following a week-long stay at the animal hospital, Aaron brought her home to start her journey of recovery. Tilly appeared to grasp that she was in a safe environment where she would heal. Her rescuer had a list of tasks to aid Tilly’s recovery, such as giving her regular medicated baths. Even though Tilly wasn’t fond of water, she eventually realized that the baths were for her own good.


With each passing day, Tilly’s health improved. She became more energetic, her skin healed, and she blossomed into a beautiful brown dog. Her transformation was so astounding that she became unrecognizable compared to the sick puppy she once was. Tilly’s joy was evident as she continued to heal.

After three months, it was time for Tilly to move to her new adoptive home. While Aaron was sad to say goodbye, he was also overjoyed knowing that Tilly was going to a loving family that would treasure her. Tilly’s journey had come full circle, and she could finally look forward to the rest of her life in a nurturing home.


Seeing Tilly go from a discarded, sickly dog to a happy, healthy, and beautiful pet was an incredible transformation. Her appearance now matched her vibrant personality, and she was finally able to live the life she deserved. Thank you, Aaron, for rescuing Tilly. Because of animal lovers like you, the world is a better place!

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The post Her ‘Big Eyes’ Looked Up At Him And He Saw In Her The Dog She’s Meant To Be appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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