I thought this blog should be about Ted, just in case you’re wondering if he’s vanished.

He’s fine, thank you for asking.

Ted’s days are spent trying to be “a proper dog”. He goes out in the morning with us to feed all the animals and is a good boy, staying within the boundaries doing his own thing.  Occasionally, he will shut himself in a shed and then say nothing when anyone goes to look for him, but that is pretty rare.

Pepper is of course his best friend, Nemesis and leader into all things terrible.  As she doesn’t suffer from any anxiety at all, she doesn’t tolerate it in Ted.  He would love to indulge all his anxieties and teenage angst but nope, Pepper will have none of that.

They play a lot – a couple of times a day, out on a walk, jumping on the sofa, around the garden.  There are many games – crocodiles, I-know-you-want-my-toy and chasing each other madly.  They are both very respectful of each other’s food and I can count on one hand just how many real fights they’ve had.  The odd spat maybe for bad manners or mistakes, but nothing great.

Ted’s also much better on a dog-walk.  All the running home suddenly has just about stopped now.  He’s off a lead all the time and stays close, listening for commands.  It is only when the weather is extreme, then he waits by the front door wishing he could go inside.

One thing, though, Ted has taught Pepper how to bark – that painful high-pitched terrier yap for imaginary foe at the front door.  Having said that, he was quite useful when the sheep all came into the front porch when the wind blew the door open.  He told us they had invaded. Thanks, Ted.

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