In a heart-wrenching ordeal, Jo and Jerry Hatley, a couple residing in Central Florida, were ensnared in a sophisticated online puppy scam that preyed on their vulnerability following the death of their beloved dog, Abbey, who passed away on March 11. This unfortunate experience highlights a broader, alarming trend where fraudulent schemes targeting potential pet owners have led to losses exceeding a million dollars across the United States last year. Seeking solace and companionship, the Hatleys’ attempt to find new furry friends online turned into a cautionary tale for all.


Stricken with grief over Abbey’s passing, the Hatleys began searching for new companions to fill the emotional void left by their dog’s death. Their search led them to an online listing that seemed to answer their prayers. The advertisement showcased two puppies, each priced at $300, that appeared ideal for helping the couple move forward.

Caught up in the hope of bringing home these new family members, Jo and Jerry promptly transferred $600 through Apple Pay to secure the puppies. However, the supposed seller soon contacted them with troubling news: the transaction allegedly failed to process, and the funds were supposedly trapped in her Apple Pay account. She reassured the Hatleys, providing an address in South Miami where they could come to pick up the puppies in person.


Driven by anticipation, the Hatleys embarked on a four-hour drive to South Miami. Upon their arrival, however, they faced a stark and disheartening reality. The address led to nowhere, revealing the setup as nothing more than a facade. There was no sign of the woman or the puppies, and it became clear that the entire interaction was a meticulously planned scam.

The Hatleys’ experience is a painful reminder of the risks associated with online pet purchases. It highlights the importance of vigilance and the need to employ secure methods when conducting such transactions. Experts recommend verifying sellers thoroughly and insisting on face-to-face interactions before money changes hands to avoid falling victim to these heartless scams.


As the Hatleys continue to cope with the aftermath of their loss, both financial and emotional, their story serves as a crucial caution to others about the potential dangers lurking behind enticing online pet sales.

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