Hoo boy. The Iditarod has a laundry list of problems: A steady dog death toll, a quickly thinning pool of sponsors, and dreadful kennel conditions—and now it has a brand-new one: The race’s famous burled arch, which marks its finish line, just collapsed.

The old archway may be in shambles, but here’s a great suggestion for what should be put in its place.

Just Hear Me Out …

This blogger has a bold suggestion for what the next archway should look like—and the Iditarod is welcome to use any part of the design. The new archway would be made of material resembling giant dog bones and feature the following grisly details:

The remains of the three dogs who died during the 2024 race could be buried at the center, serving as a reminder of the Iditarod’s cruelty for all mushers who choose to continue its bloody legacy.

It’s 2024, so there should be new technology used in the design. The arch could feature massive speakers set to play recordings of yelping dogs—who languish in Iditarod kennels—as each musher crosses the finish line.

It could include pumps and freeze-proof tubing to accommodate tens of gallons of fake blood, which pressurized nozzles would dump over the crowd to celebrate the “winner” of each race.

Most importantly, it should have the engraved names of the more than 150 dogs who have died in the history of the race, with plenty of room for additional ones.

The new archway would be a marvel of engineering and design that would leave viewers of the race to ponder an unmistakable truth: The Iditarod is a sickening blood sport that has no right to continue.

PETA Offers to Repair the Burled Arch—Without Fake Blood or Bones

Of course, this humble suggestion would be a moot point if the Iditarod chooses to stop using dogs in its races. That’s why PETA sent a letter to Iditarod CEO Rob Urbach and Mayor of Nome John Handeland offering to cover the cost of building a new sturdy, modern archway. But we’ll only do this if they agree to rebrand the Iditarod as a race for willing human athletes only.

We mean it! We think it would be tasteful if the race—which has a reputation soaked in dogs’ blood—used the collapse of its finish line archway to bring down the curtain on dog abuse.

There’s nothing like the #Iditarod finish line’s arch rotting & collapsing to signal that the race is on its last leg. https://t.co/kCGYN86tzR

— PETA (@peta) April 29, 2024

In addition, the event is hemorrhaging sponsors. With dozens of companies having already made the wise choice to stop bankrolling a race that runs dogs to their deaths, now seems like the best time for the remaining sponsors to stop doing this, too.

Help Prevent Dogs From Suffering

Dogs are loyal individuals who deserve to live in loving homes, and none of these canines would ever choose to run to their death in the Iditarod. Your actions can make a difference for them.

This is Birch. She endured horrific neglect at this kennel co-owned by former Iditarod “champion” John Baker. Despite sustaining a crippling, extremely painful spinal cord injury when she was just a puppy, she was denied veterinary care and chained in the freezing cold 24/7.

Please, never take dog-sled rides, attend races that abuse dogs, or buy tickets to winter excursions that include visits to dog-sled racing kennels.

Help us put pressure on GCI, one of the Iditarod’s last remaining top sponsors, and other companies to stop supporting this blood sport:

The post After Arch Rots, One Blogger Proposes Radical New Design to Mark Iditarod’s Finish Line appeared first on PETA.

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