A mother’s love is the strongest kind of love. Whether it’s a person or an animal, a mother always wants to keep her children safe and happy. Imagine a quiet street where a mother dog is worried because her puppy is hurt. She does what any mother would do—she calls for help. This story is about how her love starts a wonderful rescue.

A Cry For Help

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Her loud cries were heard by a kind person walking by. This person quickly called the local animal rescuers. The rescuers arrived fast, saw the worried mother and her crying puppy, and felt very sad for them. They gently touched the puppy, trying to make him feel better. Seeing this, the mother dog trusted the rescuers and let them take care of her puppy.

The rescuers named the puppy Toggle. They took Toggle to a vet, who looked after his injuries. Toggle was very brave; he didn’t cry during his treatment and trusted the rescuers and vet to make him feel better. Though his injuries made it painful to walk, he tried hard every day. Toggle’s caretakers loved him a lot and enjoyed seeing him get stronger and happier each day. They were proud of how cuddly and loving he was, even when he was hurt.

Back Home with Family

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When Toggle was completely healed, it was time for him to go back to his family. He was very excited to see his mother and siblings again. The moment his mother saw him healthy, she felt a huge happiness inside. She was so thankful to the rescuers for bringing her little one back home safely.

A mother’s love is strong indeed. Thanks to the rescuers and the vet, Toggle’s story has a happy ending. It’s a reminder that caring and kindness can change lives, and it’s important to help others who need us, just like the kind people helped Toggle and his mom.

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The post Mother ‘Cries’ For Help, Her Puppy Is In Bad Shape appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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