Today was Water Day just because the sun was shining and, once I make a decision of what I am going to devote my morning to, I like to stick to it.

First I did the ponies’ water, then the water buckets and sink by the shed.  The latter are used by the ducks.

Next up I tackled the filthy duck pond, which was desperately in need of a good clean.

Then, Pepper and sat in the sunshine getting a good dose of Vitamin D waiting for the pond to fill.

It took ages but we didn’t mind.  We deserved a break from all that hard work.  My back hurts afterwards.

Eventually, I wrapped up the hose and came back to see that my clean sink was being used.

One very happy duck.

I noticed the water level had gone down, so I popped the hose back in to refill. She didn’t mind.

I think everyone is now keen to get clean.  There’s been a lot of fighting recently in the muddy ditches which has not been good.  Maybe if they feel all clean and happy, they will stop that and concentrate on being friends.

On my way to do the horses’ water bucket, I noticed some “dead ponies”.  Oh well, I thought. A few less.

I love seeing them totally flat out and almost snoring.

Vitamin had Newt next to her again.

He was totally blissed out and those little teefs – ooof!

The clean pony water was appreciated.

The rest were busy stuffing their faces with hay.

And look, a duck swimming in my clean pond.

All that hard work, emptying and scrubbing, was well worth it even if my back is now shouting at me.

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