The video featuring Huxley, Winnie, and Rex poignantly illustrates the deep bonds and intuitive support that can exist between dogs. This heartwarming scenario captures a moment of genuine empathy and assistance among canine friends, showcasing how animals often come to each other’s aid in times of distress, much like humans do.

Rex, a large English/French Mastiff mix, clearly benefits from the companionship of his smaller friends, Huxley, the Shih Tzu, and Winnie, the white deaf dog. Despite his size, Rex experiences anxiety, a condition that can affect any dog, regardless of breed or stature. The presence of his friends, Huxley and Winnie, appears to provide him with comfort and reassurance, helping to alleviate his anxiety.

Winnie and Huxley’s actions toward Rex underscore a remarkable sense of awareness and sensitivity. Even though Winnie is deaf, she, along with Huxley, seems attuned to Rex’s emotional state and needs. They stick close to him, offering physical closeness that dogs often use as a means to provide security and comfort to one another. This behavior is a testament to the incredible way dogs can perceive and respond to emotional cues from their peers, providing support without the need for words.

The video not only highlights the supportive dynamics among these dogs but also serves as a reminder of the importance of companionship in managing anxiety and other emotional challenges. For anyone watching, it’s a touching demonstration of the proverb, “A friend in need is a friend indeed,” bringing to life the loyal and nurturing relationships that dogs naturally cultivate with one another.

Such moments encourage pet owners to appreciate and foster the social interactions of their pets with other dogs, recognizing the positive effects these relationships can have on their well-being. It’s also a call to those considering adopting a pet to think about the benefits of multi-dog households where compatible dogs can provide each other with companionship and emotional support.

Image Source Credit via Reddit

Rex had a hard time when he was younger. His first owners weren’t nice to him. They would yell and hurt him, which made Rex very scared and worried all the time. Rex’s life got better when he met Ross, who became his new owner when Rex was about 1.5 years old. Ross was kind and patient, just what Rex needed to start feeling better. 

Ross saw that Rex was scared because of his bad past. Rex wasn’t mean; he just wanted to feel safe and not scared. Ross spent a lot of time with Rex, giving him love and patience. After 2.5 years, Rex started to feel less scared and more friendly. His brother and sister, Winnie and Huxley, helped him a lot too.

Image Source Credit via Reddit

Winnie and Huxley were really good for Rex. Winnie, who couldn’t hear, didn’t mind when Rex growled because he was scared. She loved him just the way he was. Rex, Winnie, and Huxley were very close and helped each other a lot. 

Whenever Rex felt anxious, Winnie and Huxley were there to comfort him. Their story touched many people, and a video of them together got more than 21,000 likes on Reddit. Rex’s change from being scared to making friends is a story of hope and new chances. It teaches us that if we open our hearts to those who need help, we can make strong and happy relationships.

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Rex is anxious so his siblings try and take care of him. (OC)
byu/Creepy-Bite-3174 inAnimalsBeingBros

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