Belgian Malinois dogs are renowned for their bravery, intelligence, and loyalty. Eva, a two-year-old dog of this breed, demonstrated her incredible courage in a remarkable way. During a hike, Eva protected her owner from a mountain lion. As the fierce predator approached, Eva sprang into action, fearlessly confronting the mountain lion to keep her owner safe. Her quick thinking and valiant effort ensured her owner’s survival in a perilous situation. This is the story of Eva’s extraordinary bravery and the deep bond between a loyal dog and her grateful owner.

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Erin Wilson and her dog Eva were hiking by the Trinity River in Northwestern California when something unexpected happened. A mountain lion attacked Erin, scratching her shoulder and scaring her. Right away, Eva jumped in to help her owner.

Even though the mountain lion was much bigger, Eva bravely fought with it. Erin tried to help by getting a tire iron to fight off the big cat. The mountain lion hurt Eva badly, but luckily, some people driving by stopped and used pepper spray to make the lion go away.

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Eva was badly hurt, with injuries to her skull and bleeding a lot. She had trouble during the drive to the hospital because of her injuries. She was taken to a hospital in Redding, Northern California, where she needed serious care. 

Eva was strong but her injuries were severe, and she needed a long time to heal. Erin started a fundraiser to help pay for Eva’s medical bills. Eva had to be given a lot of medicine to help with the swelling and pain in her head, which affected her eyesight.

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After her treatment, Eva seemed to be getting better. She went home and started doing her usual activities again, showing no signs of weakness. But then, suddenly, Eva had seizures and got very sick quickly. She went into a deep coma and couldn’t respond at all. Sadly, she passed away just a few hours later.

Erin shared her sadness online, saying:

“This world is not fair. It is cruel. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Our baby is gone and now we have no one come and be held with us. We don’t have our kisses. I don’t have my girls incredibly soft fur. She was so delicate. So dainty.”

Though Eva is no longer with us, her bravery will always be remembered. She truly was Erin’s guardian angel, saving her life. Eva will always be remembered as a good and brave dog.

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