When your final chapter of life comes to a close, what will your epilogue be? Stanley Douglas Fitch wanted to ensure someone would continue to treat animals with kindness and compassion, just as he had always done. Before his passing at the age of 76, Stanley ensured his compassion for animals would continue through a generous gift in his will to the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society. 

A lifetime connection with animals 

Stanley’s journey with animals began during his childhood in England. His family welcomed three delightful dogs into their home, which marked the beginning of a lifelong love for furry companions.  

This connection with animals became a recurring theme in Stanley’s life. Shortly after moving to Canada and purchasing his first home, he adopted two loyal canines, Buffy and Patch. 

Comfort and companionship  

Stanley’s dedication to animals extended beyond his own furry family. Over the years, he played a crucial role in assisting his dear friend of 43 years, Laura, and her family—who lived across the street—as they integrated seven adopted dogs into their home. 

“He loved animals and always went out of his way to show them kindness,” says Laura. “He never wanted to see an animal suffer and wanted them all to have a happy and comfortable life.” 

Stanley formed a special connection with Vid, a rescue dog that had survived a house fire and was later adopted by Laura’s family. When Vid arrived at Laura’s home filled with fear and mistrust, Stanley’s gentle and reassuring approach coaxed out Vid’s playful and goofy side, demonstrating Stanley’s unique ability to connect with animals. 

“He was most happy when in the company of animals,” says Laura. During Stanley’s retirement years living alone, Laura says his beloved cats provided him with immense comfort and companionship.  

Stanley entrusted Laura as the guardian of his beloved cat, Squeaker. “Having Squeaker come to live with us after we lost Stanley was very comforting,” Laura says. “He keeps me feeling connected to Stanley.” 

A lasting legacy 

It wasn’t just in life that Stanley’s love for animals shone; it extended beyond with his decision to leave a lasting legacy for animals through a gift in his will to the Ontario SPCA.  

“Stanley specifically chose to give a gift to the Ontario SPCA in his will as he wanted to leave a lasting legacy to the animals that he so dearly loved,” Laura says, “to ensure that they are provided the care they deserve, and to enable the Ontario SPCA to advocate for their continued welfare.” 

As we reflect on Stanley’s life, we celebrate the love, compassion, and legacy he leaves behind. His story serves as a reminder of the profound impact one person can have —throughout their lifetime and beyond – to help animals in need 

Leave your own legacy for animals  

When you remember the Ontario SPCA with a gift in your will, you can continue to help animals long after you’re gone.  

Visit our website to learn about creating your own legacy for animals and to download your free will-making toolkit today.   



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