A sweet dog named Kelly longed for love, but sadly, her life was filled with heartache. Her previous owner was a heartless breeder who exploited her for profit. He then discarded her once she was no longer useful. Lonely and hungry, Kelly wandered the streets, searching for someone to show her kindness. As she trudged along the desolate streets, she held onto the hope that someone would notice her plight and extend a helping hand. Despite her harsh treatment, Kelly maintained her faith in the kindness of humans. Her fortunes changed when the Humane Society of Broward County in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, came to her aid.


The team was heartbroken to see she was malnourished and neglected. Upon arrival at the shelter, Kelly won over the staff with her endearing nature. Eager for affection, she reveled in cuddles from her new friends, who were determined to find her a permanent home quickly. They knew a loving home was essential for her to truly flourish.

The shelter shared her story and a video on their social media, capturing Kelly hopeful and wagging her tail in her kennel. A wonderful couple seeking their first pet together came across the video and instantly fell for Kelly. The very next day, they visited the shelter in Florida, expressing that Kelly had captured their hearts and they were excited to take her home. The staff was elated, thinking Kelly had finally found her forever family.


On the day of her adoption, Kelly’s excitement was palpable. She joyfully bid farewell to her shelter friends. Her new parents eagerly welcomed her into their home, ready to shower her with love. However, the joy was short-lived. They soon discovered that one of them was allergic to dogs, and with heavy hearts, they returned Kelly to the shelter. Kelly had briefly tasted happiness, only to have it swiftly taken away.

Back in the shelter, Kelly was visibly heartbroken. “Since being returned, Kelly has had such a sad and worried look on her face. When we walk by her kennel, she cries out to us and has a look of desperation in her eyes. It is simply heartbreaking to see,” said Susan Leonti, the digital marketing specialist at the Humane Society of Broward County told Newsweek.


Although she cherishes the affection from her shelter friends, what Kelly longs for is a family of her own to love her unconditionally. She dreams of experiencing true love for the first time in her life.

PUPDATE! Since the airing of Kelly’s second video, she has been adopted into a permanent home. We are over the moon for this sweet girl and wish her all the happiness and tail wags imaginable.

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The post Shelter Dog Tasted Happiness Only To Have It Taken Away appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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